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Kis cheez sy dil bhar gya hai?

Daesh zindabad,only daesh can save you.Pakistan forces and intelligence agencies are heavily infiltrated by Mossad RAW agents,they kill Muslims in Pakistan,using laser weapons ,which are covertly installed inside homes,all electrical connections are tampered and manipulated by agents of kufr,my khala and brother were murdered by them ,so I'm witness and proof myself,Usman Akram from Islamabad,stay safe and spread the word to save our emaan,people and country.peace
Liked by: Ahmad

The thing do you care most about?

Pakistan forces and intelligence agencies are heavily infiltrated by Mossad RAW agents,they kill Muslims in Pakistan,using laser weapons ,which are covertly installed inside homes,all electrical connections are tampered and manipulated by agents of kufr,my khala and brother were murdered by them ,so I'm witness and proof myself,Usman Akram from Islamabad,stay safe and spread the word to save our emaan,people and country.peace
Liked by: Him Zargham

باتیں اچھی بناتے ہو یا چا ئے 🍵 🤨

Pls forward; This is serious message from USMAN AKRAM, he is under surveillance by MOSSAD RAW working covertly inside our ISI. USMAN AKRAM WAS JAILED IN ISI PRISON CELLS FOR 9MONTHS.ALL investigators WERE TOO MUCH sensitive and concerned about Mossad as if they feared about themselves because they were mossad agents,they keep asking israel related questions .They curse ISLAM IN JAIL,BAD MOUTH ABOUT QURAN AND PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH,THEY RAPE MEN AND WOMEN IN JAILS ,taunting THAT "LOOK YOURE VERY PIOUS RIGHT ?! "I WAS SEXUALLY ABUSED TOO,THEY KILLED MUSLIMS INSIDE JAIL WITH LASER weapons THAT ARE HIDDEN AND invisible.USMAN'S sister (2elder ones) are used as doomed spies .they get monthly wages for intelligence info about me.USMAN is most wanted individual *GLOBALLY* due to the fact that hes aware of confidential information that was kept hidden from public, among other things which hes aware of, he whistle-blows about recent hoax viruses, and sudden surprising spike in all diseases, these are caused by hidden weapons covertly installed inside homes globally, and all electrical devices are hacked for complete control over citizens throughout the world, satellite weapons are used to influence natural disaster and scourges on humanity under veil of global warming , spread this messtage, and beware of your homes, cars and other vehicles used for travel. They are bugged, energy crisis is hoax, we have so much electricity to light many earths like ours, the reason for this crisis is simple, they want to stir waters to see any movement to catch fish, tampered electric wirings and power outages are the reason for this hoax crisis. Brother and aunt of usman were also killed with these hidden laser weapons, and apparently it was dengue and bodily function failure, there's so much information to be disclosed but our main purpose here is to wake people and let them know reality. Stand up, humanity is under threat, and wars are waged covertly. Take stand, or you will be next target of such terrorism. Peace

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Liked by: Fatima Javed R ☆

رشحلي قارئ للقرآن الكريم صوته يريح القلب ولك الاجر والثواب🤍😔

الشيخ عبدالرحمن مسعد اسمع ده هترتاح جدا 💙
Listen to Abdul Rahman Mossad | 1 Hour of Tranquil Recitations | ساعة كاملة بصوت القارئ عبد الرحمن مسعد by InvestInHeaven on #SoundCloud

Cosa fai stasera? 💘

Cri_01_’s Profile PhotoCristian
Stasera credo che mando qualche notizia. Sai sembra che il Mossad abbia fatto di tutto per andare in Siria a rapire un generale iraniano. Poi pare che abbia letto di un missile che sarebbe stato intercettato nelle regione indo Pacifica sembra abbia avuto problemi in quanto avrebbe preso un oggetto non identificato. Pare che tutto questo faccia capire il contrasto tra gli usa e Pechino che sovrastano le loro Acque.

Language: English