
17 people

6 posts


Niestety reakcja Nygmobblepot opiera się na akcji z przełomu 2/3 sezonu. Byłoby mi ciężko prowadzić Eda😧

Niestety, osobiście nie oglądałam jeszcze serialu, więc nie jestem w temacie. Wierzę więc na słowa. W takim razie, zapraszam do rezerwowania jakieś innej postaci z tego serialu! Na pewno jest wiele cudownych postaci, w które możesz się wcielić!
Rhena Gold
+1 answer in: “Zarezerwowałbym Nygmę, uwielbiam go, ale widziałem tylko pierwszy sezon Gotham i nie chcę obniżyć oczekiwań Pingwina. Mam nadzieję, że prawowity Ed odnajdzie się bardzo szybko!”

Nah man I do want gay couples on tv. I am gay myself. I just want them to have build up etc. Like nygmobblepot in Gotham or something along those lines. I feel like a lot of gay couples on tv are very rushed. I would of totally been down for evak if they waited another season for it to be canon :)

Well, let me ask this... do you even watch Skam? Each season is about a different character so for them to become canon on a different season wouldn't really make much sense since this season is about Sana. Last season was about Isak, therefor... it's about Isak's love life. But I get what you mean by how you want there to be a slow burn for relationships to build but they don't have the luxury of doing that since each season is about a different character (kind of like how each episode of skins is about a different person). And idk about you but my first love happened very fast so I do think the whole Evak storyline is relatable.

Game Day #17: Get to know the vidder game! More here: http://ask.fm/editingfunzone/answers/140861947659 have fun ^^

editingfunzone’s Profile PhotoEditing Fun Zone
- Where are you from?
Argentina, La Plata.
- When is your birthday?
October 21st.
- What is your favorite color?
Blue is the warmest color, I said and keep saying.
- How tall are you?
5.6'' If Im not wrong, lol.
- Favorite song?
I dont really have a fav song but this cover is such a beautiful thing that warms my heart♥
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt1Pwfnh5pcIISnowball’s Video 140554900527 vt1Pwfnh5pcIISnowball’s Video 140554900527 vt1Pwfnh5pc
- Do you have any pets?
Two lovely little dogs c:
- Baths or showers?
Baths but I have shower, rip.
- Favorite swear word?
Fuck. Shit. both are practically all I say everyday.
- Do you have any scars?
I do have some.
- What are your weaknesses?
Im very impulsive, moody and sometimes Idk to put myself first.
- Favorite sport?
Shiiiiiit, this is so hard. I guess basket, from all I've ever played I really love and miss this one. TENNIS THO.
- Extrovert or introvert?
- What is your favorite fruit?
Strawberries :33
- If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?
Probs with my bro in Aus bc Im sure she would be like to be there, lol. I really want to give her a hug rn. If u read dis *virtual hug* ily.
- What's your favorite alcoholic beverage?
Vodka + anything.
- Biggest turn on?
Cory Michael Smith
- Biggest turn off?
Cory Michael Smith breaking my nygmobblepot feelings.
- Do you believe in karma?
Yeh, I strongly believe in this bitch.
- Favorite book?
Haruki Murakami - Tokio Blues.
- If you had to teach a subject to a class, what would it be
ART ♥♥♥
- Have you ever given blood?
YES but not like you think. I mean in some weird shit I had this finger bleeding and some weird guy asked me to put it on a glass with water to clean myself and he drink it. WE WERE KIDS THO. wtf. (in a serious note i would love to donate even tho idk if i can)
- Do you believe in love at first sight?
No, love it's something you construct. More than attraction and chemistry, yet these are important. At least das my pov.
- What is something most people don't know about you?
I tend to have these existencial crisis where I end with TONS of interesting theories at least I think so, lol. But I've shared these with a few of people and It's so interesting debate it with em.

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Game Day 17 Get to know the vidder game More here

Do you had problems with vidding any song you really would love to vid but you just can't? Like you start a project with the song but, you just can't finish it bc you had some inspiration problems or something like this?

lohanthien’s Profile PhotoEnzo
I really wanted to vid Nygmobblepot to Alone Together by FOB but I can't seem to cut the song in a satisfactory way cuz it's built up so weird.

Nemrég kezdtem a Gothamet (miattad, mert azokat a ficeidet is olvasni akarom - örök hála érte) És imádom. És atyaég,Cat és Bruce decukikák. Mooney meg olyan badass, néha meg olyan az egész mint vmi '70es évekbeli Godfather. Szabadna tudni mikor lesz nygmobblepot? Mégcsak nem is találkoztak eddig :(

Awwh, annyira örülök, hogy tetszik, mert UGYE HOGY UGYE, a BatCatnél semmi nem édesebb és Fish Mooney leszek ha nagy leszek ;u;
A Nygmobblepot a második évadban indul be, akkor viszont HAJAJDEMENNYIRE - @captaincuppy és tinu közvetítették felém a képregény-kánont, szóval már az első évadban shipeltem és ficeltem, de ott csak a 15. epizódban futnak össze (ott viszont szétveti a falakat a kémia :D van is egy képkockáról-képkockára metám róla a blogon). A paraleljeik viszont állandóak: érdemes figyelni rájuk, mennyire egymásra reflektál néhány elejtett soruk és mozdulatok és mozzanatuk; a sorsuk össze van fűzve (a 2. évad főleg erre megy rá, hogy mennyire tökéletesen kiegészítik egymást) és a forgatókönyvírók nem szégyellősek a shippel kapcsolatban -- ha hihetünk a twitterüknek, a DC fejeseinél kilincselnek, hogy nyíltképernyős kánon lehessen; meglátjuk, mi lesz belőle, de a karakterek vitathatatlanul összetartoznak [így vagy úgy.] (És Ed pánszexualitása ne ijesszen meg, nem nohomo az :D)
A történetek menüpontban jelöltem, melyik történet mikor játszódik/mikortól olvasható; a #BoyfriendTag pedig már pár epizód után tökéletesen érthető, nyomonkövethető, és spoilermentes.

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