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*He brings a finger to his cheek in his Chara form* You mean he's not in your bed because you placed him in Limbo after he left the save screen? You really think I don't know what is going on here? I saw all ten timelines of XTale happen back when only Ink should have known of it

WelcomeToMySpecialHell’s Profile PhotoNightmare
....*The God falls silent as a dark aura starts swirling around them, hopefully someone got all the AfterDeath children away from home or he just accidentally kiIIed them..
The dark aura was breaking nearly everything in the home, even the floorboards they were standing on were starting to creak and give way, you see the walls start falling apart as a giant ravens skull appears over the Gods head, it was his own blaster, but each time he tries to summon and use it, his aura ends up destroying it by accident..he's hoping this is enough to scare Nightmare though regardless, he just released his powers even though he really shouldn't have..he might of just played into Nightmares plans for all he knows.. it's clear he's there to feed off negative emotions*
*Random but found out Renrink said Reaper will actually refrain from using certain swear words he deems too vulgar/too rude to say, he has actually never once said the F-bomb canonically..he refuses to--is there anything else to make him more of a hidden cinnamon roll xD*

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He brings a finger to his cheek in his Chara form You mean hes not in your bed

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