

Ask @tawoooor

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do u actually like Jimmy? or are you secretly a lesbian?

okay, first of all I've liked Jimmy for 8 months and I'm not a lesbian, it's just I don't care what gender other people like it's none of my business and it's none of your business ether. But no I'm not a lesbian and even if I was don't hide on ask you can ask it to my face and I'll tell you the same answer! I LIKE BOYS I HAVE ALWAYS LIKED BOYS AND I ALWAYS WILL LIKE BOYS!! so back off. ;))

Biggest pet peeve for both genders?

Male: when you say hey "whats up" & they say "idk", when you say "ily" and they say okay or even worse when you say "ily" to a friend people make rumors and crap. Female: we cannot be hapoy for someone because our jealousy takes over, like im sorry he hurt you and didnt like u but be hapoy for me at least. And us girls cant leave happy relationships alone, we have to try and ruin them just to make us feel better. :)


Language: English