
taylor wilson

Ask @taywillyy

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i guess i should try to kill myself to become popular. Taylor wilsons way

thats honestly one of the most rude fucked up things ive ever read. do you want to know something i didnt even know that people knew i was in a mental hospital for trying to kill myself. i honestly wish that madi never posted that picture. alot of people know all my life stories becuase i trusted the wrong people, and shit got out. so you should understand that im genuially sad. i genuially wish i was dead. i wish that my suicide attempts worked because then i wouldnt have too deal with all of your guys sit you give me. you dont know what its like to be me you have no idea the thoughts that go through my head or the actions i do to myself everyday. i never wanted any of this shit. im in tears right now because you dont get what its like too be known as the girl who tried to kill herself. and i hope that you never do have to be known as that. i wish i was labelled as the really nice girl that everybody loves but im not because i was born with fucking depression. do you really think that i would try too kill myself just too be popular, i was hoping that that attempt would kill me so i wouldnt have too be labeled as anything or if i was still labeled as the girl who killed herself i wouldnt have too deal with hearing your taunting words like im glad she did it blah blah blah i wouldnt have to deal with my dad calling me an emo freak that cuts herself, i wouldnt have to deal with the thought that one day im going to encounter seeing the man that raped me. WHY CANT YOU ALL FORGET THAT I TRIED KILLING MYSELF AND MOVE ON WITH YOU OWN FUCKING LIFE JESUS CHRIST.

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Okay, so I'm a mom who checks askfm to make sure my daughter is not being a jerk and I came across your posts and I'm seriously concerned about you! Do your parents know what types of things you put on here?? What are your future plans besides partying and having sex??

I know this isn't even a mom saying this but I find those moms so pathetic. they accuse me of getting there sons/daughters into drugs and shit when if you know me personally you would know I never ask someone if they want to smoke weed or anything like if they want to do it I'll help them out and if they don't want too do it then I don't say anything and if I'm close close friends with you and I don't want you to get into that shit I won't get it for you or tell you how you get it. plus those moms don't know the reasons I do what I do so they have no fucking place to judge. plus where is your proof I've ever even had sex? how do you know they're not just RUMORS made up? like honestly it's so pathetic how parents are just as judge mental as teenagers.

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favorite memomry with gianna

so i remeber i was coming back to school from the hospital and i was nervous becuase everyone found out and i knew people would judge me and people would be brininging it up to me and all that and i was just really nervous but everytime i though about gianna and emily i would calm down a little beause i knew i had two girls that would stick up for me and be so supportive(which they were) and id just keep reminding myself that and i was walking to 1st period late because i had a meeting and i knew gianna was at PE so i wanted to say hi before she got dressed out, as soon as i saw her i was so happy. and i started walking twoards her and then she noticed me and started walking twoards me and i noticed she wasnt smiling like me she had tears rolling down her cheeks and it was so upsetting to see her like that, and i just hugged her i dont remember if we even said anything, but i just hugged her i wasnt crying because i was in shock because i didnt know people actually cared about me. At that moment i realized i would never loose me and giannas friendship we could maybe grow apart but i would always love and care about her becuase i knew how much she cared about me at that moment.

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