
Teenage Advice

why do I keep getting hate all the time?

I have no idea why you keep getting hate, but all I know is that you shouldn't listen to the people that send you hate. People who do stoop so low and are very shallow - they shouldn't be worth your time! Don't let opinions and mean comments get to you - they aren't facts and they don't define you xx

Latest answers from Teenage Advice

My mom thinks I'm anorexic bc she says I'm "weak" and "too skinny" but for me I just eat until I'm full and I don't think I'm anorexic, just fit. I exercise daily for the most part and eat till I'm full. I do get allergies and my mom blames them on my eating patterns. how do I show my mom I'm ok?

I think as long as you feel strong, energetic, happy and healthy, your mum will eventually see it. Found out your BMI on a simple online calculator and show that you're in the healthy range! Anorexia is an eating disorder - you don't call someone anorexic for being slim! Good luck :)

I don't know what to do, my crush who also has some feelings for me told me not to get too attached to her because she doesn't know what's gonna happen yet, but still she wants me to tell her how I feel about her and give her tighter hugs, I honestly don't know what to do at this point, please help

This is sweet. As I always tell my askers, relationships begin with communication.
Don't be afraid to go up and talk to her. Start with small talk. Maybe ask to hang with you during the weekend.
Refrain from asking her out while you don't know her too well - you want to be extremely comfortable before you even ask her to be yours. Use this time to get to know her, make memories and jokes together and what not :-)
I'm sure she'd appreciate the courage and effort you're taking by talking to her. Time is something you will never get back, so go for it!

Almost every day. For the past week or so now we really haven't made eye contact, which is usually in the hallways, and I am feeling very confused about it. I wanted to ask her out soon in the sweetest way possible but I wanted another opinion on wether she likes me or not.


There is this girl I really like and for a year or so I would always catch her glancing and string at me and was pretty sure she liked me but I never asked her out. I talked to her a lot and now we don't have any classes together so we don't really talk but I still would see her staring at me (Part1


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Thank you :)

(2) he always sneakily looks at me and when ever he cracks a joke he looks at me for my reaction. We've talked quite a few times but I guess were both really shy in admitting out feelings for each other. This is the first guy that I seriously want to be with. Any help?

Well, well! I'm always happy to help, as long as you KNOW that you're not being lured into the trap of falling for the idea of him rather than him, himself.
Communication is the first step. Easier said than done, of course, but what do you expect to happen without talking? I know you already have, which is good, but don't be afraid to offer a simple but effective gesture like asking him to grab a coffee with you or something. Now you can sit over coffee and talk to him, without it looking so desperate. Sure, it's cliché, but who said it doesn't work?
Also, try to avoid admitting feelings until you can pass that barrier of being shy. BE COMFORTABLE. Until you can be yourself, that's when you know things are sailing smoothly. So use this opportunity and time to get to know him, hang out with him more, before any of this happens.
This is my advice. Successful relationships = good communication.
Good luck! x

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(1) Hello there, I just started college about 4 months ago and I met this guy. He's in nearly all my lesson and I guess I have feelings for him. I never felt like this about anyone, its just when he looks at me I feel as though I cant breathe. I get the feeling he likes me because when ever were ..


Hi. I have this deep hatred for myself that I really want to move past. I have been trying to think positively but it only works for half of the day. I'm always envying others and wishing the world just swallowed me whole. How do I learn to accept myself?

Self-acceptance starts off when you know your intentions. Set yourself small goals that you can work yourself towards to e.g. love this aspect of me, be positive for at least a day etc. When you reach your goals, celebrate them! You are doing something with your life - you should be more than proud. Keep everyone else out of the picture when you're focusing on yourself. Please don't compare yourself to others - you are a beautiful piece of artwork, a miracle, and someone who cannot be replaced.
As cliché as it may sound, surround yourself with people who make you feel good. Establish a newer, healthier lifestyle. In that case, it can help you visualise your old past being left behind with the "old you".
I'm so proud of you for learning to accept yourself. This may be the hardest part, but I promise you, things really do get better. I love you.
And remember, your past does NOT define you.

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