
Anna Khayalan

apa yang u buat kalau kawan baik sendiri suka dekat u dalam diam ?

Act like I don't know anything.
Buat macam biasa je. I don't want to ruin the friendship.
Unless I have the same feeling and unless he wants to talk about it.

Latest answers from Anna Khayalan

Salam ana,kalau lepas ni nak ikut anna travel boleh tak?

Boleh! Come join me next time. Kalau Anna ada nak pergi mana mana I'll let you all know so siapa nak ikut boleh ikut!

youre pretty that's why it's easier for you to get money and such

Jangan persoalkan rezeki Allah. Tak ada istilah cantik senang dapat duit etc. Nak murah rezeki, sedekah. Nak duit, usaha. Semua tu tak kira rupa paras pun kan?

This is completely random but do you like fluffy socks? 😂

YES I DO!!!!!! I can't stand anything fluffy they're super cute T_____T

Hey Anna! Boleh share total cost Anna travel ke Europe haritu tak? The tickets semua tu (tapi tak termasuk kalau Anna ada beli barang kat sana) And can you share your schedule (Anna memula pergi mana then pergi mana semua tu). Lepas ni Anna nak pergi travel ke mana pulak?

You can visit www.thekhayalan.com hehe. I wrote a longggggg post on my Europe Trip.

how u manage your time being single? What you do to avoid feeling lonely?

I don't see what's the problem with being single. I'm actually happy with where I am now.
I'm not lonely at all because I have my friends who always cheer me up, make stupid jokes, to go food hunting with, or shopping, talking, gossiping, fighting and everything else. If there's time when I feel lonely, that's on me. It has nothing to do with being single.
I don't need a boyfriend to be happy. If people think I'm lonely, I'm happy with being lonely 😊

Kak anna tak rasa rimas ke if anyone tell their problem to you in social media?

Why should I?
Tak rimas pun sebab I understand how they feel. Sometimes they have no one to go to or tell their problems to. I myself would talk to strangers about my problems sometimes because strangers don't know me, they won't judge me. They will listen to my problems and give me fair advices & opinions. Lagi comfortable.
Plus, it'd help me too. To be more open minded & wise kot. Haha

Anna, i hate myself for being so easily attracted over small kindness from this one boy and somehow i cannot control it. It keeps bothering me keep making me asking myself does he likes me. I feel stupid and help me change my perception bcs i know things aren't like that. Or does he really likes me

Why don't you ask him yourself? :)

Kak Anna, as our senior in kuptmkl, do you mind to come and watch our theatre soon?

Sure! Dm me the details. I'll come if I don't have any plans, insha Allah! :)

Language: English