
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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hai anna!i'm not muslim.1 day,i ada bca kt fb page islam kata 'COUPLE ITU HARAM'.but,i tk fhm knapa org muslim still couple.kdg2,i tgk org muslim couple lebih teruk drpd non-muslim.i dh tnya kwn2 yg muslim i,but answers diorang still buat i tk puas hati.i'm confused.help me please,anna?

Hye there! I took me quite a while to answer this. Let's just take it this way, couple memang haram because it leads you to bad things. But you know teenagers, teenagers ada perasaan ingin tahu yang sangat kuat, like try new things, terpengaruh dengan your friends etc. Despite all that, they feel empty. You're a teenager too so I'm sure sometimes you would feel unloved and alone and all that like you want to be loved and appreciated at times kan? Seeing everybody else having their own boyfriends and all make you wanting the same thing. Like wah they give you gifts and they tell you you're beautiful. Teenagers crave for love. Not from your family but from someone else, who's special. Is it? And that's what lead them to 'couple' / dating world. While when you date, you see everyone hugging etc and you want to do the same thing too. So that's how they become worst. The thing how they become worst because they're lost, get what I mean? Basically, some people conclude that those who are more like 'terlanjur' (in physical way such as holding hands) because they take hukum hakam as something ringan or probably they're lack of didikan agama. Do you know the YOLO concept people are talking about? That's it. It's not about hukum agama, it's themselves. Nafsu. If they have strong iman, then they won't go there. But I can't say anything because I don't have right to judge that. I hope I help. :)

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Assalamualaikum. Hello there ! If you have a lot of powers, what would you do to save Gaza. Btw, what's your favorite quote and your own quote. Xoxo ;)

Waalaikumussalam. I would form a group, collect donations and bring food/drinks for them.
I would go there and help children and moms to hide in a safe place. (If I could, I would)
I would help those who go injured during the attacks.
If I could, I would. :(
Umm, my favourite quote? It would be
"Where there is a will, there is a way."
My quote would be,
"If you believe in yourself, anything is possible; nothing is impossible." :) x
Liked by: zatie nisawhoaa Farhana

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akak, bila saya dah mula untuk berubah, nak solat selalu. Kenapa ada something halang and terus jadi malas. Saya tak nak jadi orang yang tak sensitif lagi dengan dosa :(

Itu namanya ujian, dik.
Jangan tunduk dengan ujian tu, jangan tunduk dengan syaitan dan nafsu, solat! Baca Al-Quran, zikir selalu. Dan selalu doa dekat Allah supaya kuatkan iman dan jauhkan awak dari nafsu dan syaitan. InsyaAllah. Ingat ujian tu tanda Allah sayang, ujian untuk kuatkan iman kita. You'll get through everything. Have faith in Him. Jangan tinggal solat. Jangan hilang diri sendiri. :)
Liked by: Lijah nisawhoaa

Assalamualaikum.. You know..everyday maybe there's kinda like 3 or 4 people followed u..maybe.....So it appears on your "connect" wall & then at the same time you wanna check if someone's mentioning you or not..so do u ignore the notification about your new followers and check your mentions? -ainun-

Waalaikumussalam, I'm a Blackberry user. They don't show notifications on Blackberry Twitter apps. But honestly, I never checked my followers. I don't really count my followers, or see who follow me. It's not that I don't care, it's just I don't know. Because I don't tweet for followers so I don't really mind who follow/unfollow me, who retweet who don't, who favourite who don't. Hahaha I just tweet, that's all I do.

So what i should do now? I scared that I cant help him . Help me Kak Anna can u? I takut kalau i ignore dia , dia akan lagi teruk .

Don't ignore him. Just be with him. Convince him that everything will be okay.
And nasihatkan dia to solat, solat taubat, doa minta ampun dekat Allah.
Seek help from Him. He'll help him.
And as for you, do the same thing. Doakan dia, everything will be okay.
It was out of his control. Just make sure he's in the right way.
And as a friend, don't leave him. Be there, support him and help him through it all.
I know it feels so bad and disgusts you somehow but he's your friend.
Ease those negative thinking of yours and just be there for him. Help him.
Don't judge him for his mistakes, he's learning.
Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Pengampun. :)
Liked by: nisawhoaa

I cakap , i takkan tinggalkan dia . I akan tolong dia , support dia . Sebab dia sangat percayakan i . Pasal kes ni , it just his along , that girl family , one of his boy bestfriend at school and me je tau . So i taktau macam nana nak tolong dia . I marah sangat sebenarnya . (cont)


Kantoi dgn mak that girl .and mak girl tu call Along dia . But right now , his parent xtau lagi sebab time jadi tu parents pergi haji and baru balik. He asked me for help . I nak tolong dia . Tapi I taktau camne . He keep asking me , "kau nak tinggalkan aku ke lepas ni?" i rasa serba salah . (cont)


(cont) dia nak share something . His big problem now . Tapi dia takut . Dia takut i benci dia and look down at him . But i did convince him , i will be okay . So he called me , and he spilled . A months ago , dia kena tangkap basah . Im shocked . Speechless . I feel like crying . And kantoi (cont)


Kak Anna . I need ur help. I am with this one boy . My classmate , dia suka and I and me too . But kitorang tak.couple la , just suka sama suka . One day , dia tak text I dah , dia cakap phone dia kena tahan dengan kakak dia , sebab dia buat masalah . And yesterday , dia nak share something. Will co


Anna can u give me some tips or soalan target for pendidikan islam tomorrow. really need it. fikiran stress sgt tak tahu nak study apa. ;(

I read everything, I don't have spot topics. I'm sorry. :(
You should check @teamspm2012, they might have spot topics.
Good luck for tomorrow.<3

Assalammualaikum kak anna . saya baru rapat dengan kawan saya even dulu kami sekolah sama . Kawan saya baru putus disebabkan saya. Actually saya tak suka pun pakwe dia . Dekat twitter, pakwe dia unfollow dia. Just now kawan saya tak nak kawan dengan saya . Disebabkan lelaki, dia taknak kawan saya :/

Waalaikumussalam. Have you explained to her?
Walaupun bukan salah awak, minta maaf. Try to work things out.
You got this!! Good luck! :)
Liked by: Ain Nadhirah

Kak Anna , crush saya dh lama tahu saya suka dia , then dia suruh saya lupakan dia sbb dia ada crush lain even dia tahu crush dia tak sukakan dia . Sekarang dia dah lupakan crush dia and saya ternampak dia buat relay ngan org lain kat fb . and budak tu bestfriend ex dia :'c help me kak .

Sparkle. ♡
Move on, sayang.
Trust me, you'll find someone better soon!!! Have faith in Him.
Be positive okay? You'll get through this. Be positive!
You can!! :)
Liked by: Sparkle. ♡

Assalamualaikum Anna :) nak tanyaa something. if kita ada suka dgn someone and someone tu bestfriend then die dah ada couple. what to do ? sy dah cuba try jauh dr dy but too difficult nak buang prsaan tu . what to do ? hope u faham :(

Waalaikumussalam. So you like your bestfriend?
It's awesome! I mean everyone suka their own bestfriend. I know exactly how you feel!
The thing is, just keep the friendship going. You don't need to be his girlfriend to feel special.
You're his bestfriend and bestfriends are meant to be forever right? So be positive, just keep going.
The feeling will go slowly through time and you'll find someone new soon, someone better.
Have faith in Him! And if your bestfriend is your soulmate, you'll get together one day. If not now, one day. Be positive! Just carry on! :)

Anna, saya jenis yg pendam segala benda yg pahit manis payau masam kelat. I'm just that. Saya bukan jenis yg luahkan kt orang or wtvr. Sakit :'(

Kalau tak boleh luahkan dekat orang, I know it's hard for you to trust someone right?
Luahkan dekat Allah, luahkan dalam doa. You'll feel sooo sooo much better than how you feel when you tell a bestfriend. He'll give you peace, He'll help you, He'll guide you to the right thing and He'll ease the pain and replace it with happiness and joy. Have faith in Him.
If you need someone, you have me. I'm always here. Be positive. :)
Liked by: Wuwu.

saye dah cube tego classmate saye..tpi die langsung tak bgi respon..krikk3

Haha seriously? That is so mean!
Tak apa then, be independent!!!
Be confident, be positive! You can through it all by your own with the help of Allah. :)


Language: English