
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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is it okay untuk pendam perasaan, then tak marah dia kalau dia buat salah. sebab macam nak jaga hati then taknak ruin relationship tu. lepastu selalunya saya mengalah je kalau dia macam nak provoke argument.

It's not healthy. You both should step out and talk about it one on one.
Settle things out ok? :)
Liked by: Sparkle. ♡

In your opinion, should we have special boyfriend/girlfriend before we have a career?

It depends on the person.
I mean some tak boleh concentrate/balance their time for relationship and study.
But in my opinion, I would say no. Just to be cautious. I would complete my goals first before anything else such as relationship. Because you don't know what relationship can do to you. It either acts as a 'perangsang' for you to success or destroys you. :)
Liked by: Sparkle. ♡

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camana nak menang hati seorang perempuan?

John Lennon
Tunjuk keikhlasan. :)
But you can't win anyone's heart unless they want their hearts to be winned.
You can't make someone like/love you because the feeling comes from heart.
It's not simple.
Liked by: Sparkle. ♡

zahiril adzim yang dalam juvana tu, lisdawati and her husband, and sidek hussein. ada lah some more celebrities i don't know, but they tought me some things about acting. haha. if you want to watch that movie, it's on 20th of december, astro oasis, during night time. the movie title is "ayah"

I'll watch it!!!!! Can't wait!! :)

Apa u buat kalau bestfriend u yg dulu rapat dgn u skrg dh mcm ignore u? I ada kwn, dlu kitorg rpt tapi sejak dia masuk kls lain, dia ignore sy and selalu dgn kwn baru dia. I rasa irritated sgt. And dia skrg just kwn dgn budk hot je. Mcm nk populariti.

I'll move on. People change, relationship ends.
If I can, I'll talk to her about it. I mean, sebagai kawan kena lah tegur right? :)
Liked by: Sparkle. ♡

knape hot sgt? mcm mana boleh jjd followers byk sgt?padahal following sikit je. awk unfollow eh?keja hot seh

I don't understand the 'hot' concept you're talking about.
Oh dah kalau following sikit, followers banyak orang tu main unfollow ya? Typical.
Don't judge someone based on their followers count on Twitter. It's not right.
Tak semestinya yang ramai followers tu kejar hot, bajet hot, bajet popular, bajet artis. Don't blame them for having a lot of followers. Followers banyak pun tak bawak sesiapa ke mana mana pun. Followers sikit tak bermakna hina. Following sikit, followers banyak tak bermakna dia tu berlagak 'twitfamous' whatsoever. Jangan tanya dia kenapa followers banyak, tanya followers tu kenapa diorang follow dia dekat twitter.
Respect, bro. Don't be so typical. Have a nice day. :)

well last two days i was an extra in a film, then i met some celebrities, i talked with them all day long lol i'm so proud of myself xD

Aw sounds like you had fun!!
Who did you met? :)
Liked by: ◄▬ Idham ツ

Sy ada sorg kwn ni, dia suka copy apa yg sy buat. Cntoh kalau sy buat twitter, dia ikut. Then instagram, dia ikut, dia siap ikut lagi cara sy ambil gmbar kt instagram. Mmg annoying sgt sgt. Nak tegur, tkut dia marah sbb dia bestfriend sy....

Let her, you shouldn't feel annoyed because she's your bestfriend.
Bestfriends do things together. Be positive. It isn't wrong though.
Or kalau tak suka, you should just tegur.
As simple as that. :)
Liked by: Sparkle. ♡

assalamualaikum anna :D ur tweet are really inspired me, and the way u treat other people even u don't know who they are. I love ur style! follow me at twitter maybe?

Waalaikumussalam. Thank you.
That's very nice. :)
Liked by: Sparkle. ♡

Anna, awk tk rasa annoying ke kalau ada bdk2 umur 13/14 tweet psl khawin semua? Mcm gatal sgt kot

Hahaha annoying jugak but kids have high imagination. We shouldn't blame them. :)

Anna suka masak apa? Hehe sy pun suka masak tapi sy lebih suka baking.

I love both!! :)
Anna suka masak western sebab western senang.
Tapi lepas SPM nak belajar masak lauk lauk tu dengan nenek. Hehehe

what would you feel if you're hanging out with celebrities?

I think I would feel excited all the time haha.
But it sounds fun and cool. :)


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