
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Kakak, contoh ayat macam ni - he's dead already. OR he's already dead. Which one?? And concept used for all type of this sentence is same right?

He's already dead.
Macam ni, english kalau rasa atau bunyi ayat tu macam tak sedap maknanya salah.
Teacher ajar, haha. :)
Liked by: YaanaaZulkifli

Thnx anna. I hope u will get straight A's in spm. Anna, can I ask ur bbpin?

You're welcome! Amin, thank you!
Can you ask me on Twitter, I don't give it out in public.

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Kak Anna , kalau ada orang tanya kak Anna benda yang bukan-bukan macam mencarut ke apa , kak Anna jawab tak ?


Akak ada sorang kwn saya tikam saya dari belakang,lepas tu dia buat fitnah lagi dekat saya,,apa yang patut saya buat sekarang kak..saya rasa mcm tak dihargai oleh kwn langsung.. :'(

Sabar, doa.
Ingat, orang yang sabar itu diberkati Allah.
Dia fitnah, dia berdosa dan pahala awak.
Sabar. :)
Liked by: Syamilah Jamal

You are way better than me? apa maksud way dalam ayat ni? dan bila masa kita perlu guna way? Boleh tak bezekan you're dengan you are

Way better dalam ayat ni maksudnya lebih baik.
You're dan you are sama je..
You're tu singkatan untuk you are. :)

How's your first day of exam kak Anna? Was it fine? I'm sure kak Anna boleh score dalam SPM. Study smart & always berdoa! Semoga Allah permudahkan urusan kak Anna! Goodluck! :) Love you!

Liyana Mardhiah
My first day is great, alhamdulillah. BM was ok. Thank you so much! Amin!
May Allah bless you, love. :)<3

Anna,kalau u dah buat salah secara tk sengaja, the coolest way u would do? untuk tutup salah tu ;)

The coolest way.......... Ummmmmmm.
Probably "Nope, it wasn't me." Hahaha
I'm not good at lying!!!!!!! :(

Kak Anna, saya tak tahu kenapa tapi, setiap kali ada lelaki yang tegur saya, contohnya macam mention saya dekat twitter, saya mesti anggap yang lelaki tu suka kat saya and saya selalu berharap dekat lelaki tu. padahal, lelaki tu layan perempuan semua sama je. what's wrong with me ?

It's lumrah, don't worry about it!
Tapi jangan berharap.

How is ur father now?

He's good I think. I don't really keep myself updated because I'm not allowed to see him at the hospital because of SPM. But he calls me all the time and he says he's doing fine. Alhamdulillah and I hope he'll get better soon. Thank you for asking. May Allah bless you.<3
Liked by: Áida Syazlin

Tapi kak Anna, macam mana dengan ibu bapa saya? Mereka takkan faham saya!Saya mungkin boleh akur dengan ketentuan Allah tapi ibu bapa saya? Mcm mana saya nak hadapi mereka kak Anna? Saya penat sedih tiap2 hari, menangis tiap2 hari. Saya tak kuat kak Anna..... :(((

Doa, sayang.
Never underestimate the power of doa.
It gives miracle, love and hope. :)

Anna, saya macam jenis macam tak banyak cakap like dengan siblings pun saya tak bercakap, dengan cousins lagi lah tak, pemalu saya ni macam dah tahap maximum and i, myself sometimes try to communicate to others but failed. Bila saya nak try sembang2 dengan diorang saya macam tak boleh, can you help?

Actually it's a good thing tau since we all know suara tu aurat. So it's like you only speak when it's necessary right?
Berdosa bercakap perkara yang sia sia. So it's definitely a good thing to be a pendiam dan pemalu.
If you're not a good conversation starter, just smile and they will talk to you. Then just go with the flow.
You need to be confident with yourself!! :)

Kak Anna, saya suka tengok kak Anna even tak pernah jumpa depan depan. Kak Anna boleh jadi kaunseling tak berdaftar ni :) Hihi/

Haha terima kasih! :)

Hi Kak Anna. I have a crush. He know that i like him and he said he like me too. Since there, kitorang jadi rapat. But now, he ignores me. He makes like nothing happen between us. I know that dia nk Spm and he's so busy with that. Uhm, should I still berharap dekat dia or just forget my feelings ?

Hi, just follow your heart. :)


Language: English