
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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awak ni dah jadi macam pakar psikologi pulak kat ask.fm. boleh bukak klinik 1 malaysia (edisi psikologi)

Banyak lah awak punya Klinik Psikologi, hahaha.

why aren't answer my questions?? :'(

Which questions? Please check my previous answers!
I'm sure I've answered all of them. :-)

sometimes bila dah geram dgn family sendiri i think ' i must story this annoying things to my friend that i really trust'' and bila dah okay. i like ''i love my family'' is that crazy? haha. alhamdulillah, so far i can handle masalah dgn family without cerita aibkan psl my family :)

It is crazy! Hahaha
See? You only like geram with them when they done something to you.
Other than that, you're full with love towards them.
& so glad to hear that! :-) xx

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I still have more? Hm, I hope so :') Yeah, you're right. I should be positive and delete all the negatives. Thanks Anna! Oh, I really hope that she'll feel the same situation just like me..

You're welcome! Just always be positive okay! :-)

i think it's your slogan. all your advicer have ''How you treat people is how they are going to treat you". btw, here some question. how can i handle if i treat them nice but them still treat me bad?

Slogan sounds so awkward! Hahaha
Well, at least you show them that you have manners and don't full of hatred. :-)

in class, i dduk dalam 3 meja with my friends. so, rasa mcm d'ipinggirkn bila dorang gelak bebisik semua tu. when i try to ask they just smile and say ''nothing. it's secret'' and i just diam. well it's not good for story our bad's friends attitude. what's your comment?

My comment is, you're not alone. :-)
Just let them be.

Anna,kenapa bila org tanya psl bf/gf,anna tak prnh try tegur pun yg such things haram?instead anna mcm galakkan.salah tu anna,dosa akan dpt kat anna selagi the person clings to his/her gf/bf.saya dh anggap anna mcm inspirer saya so thats why,i think its my turn to advice you.okay? :-):-):-)

Thank you.
Tapi saya tak galakkan. Saya cuma tolong jawab soalan diorang, tolong diorang with their problems. Haram halal itu diorang fikir sendiri, diorang tahu mana betul mana salah. They certainly don't need me to remind that. :-)

i have a friend yg baru kena;. then, i have some problem with her. i think she hate me. and i don't think so yg i benci dia. well, we're still friend tapi the problem is, she is always touching i mean, kuat merajuk lah. and sukaa cerita salah i pada kengkawan yg lain. how can i handle it?

Go talk to her. Go settle your problems with her.
If not, sampai bila bila she'll spread bad things about you to people.
I'm sure you don't like that, do you?

can i ask something? if you have a bad family... are you story to your friends just want to share problems? i mean, story all about your family.

*tell your friends.
Not really. My family problems, I usually let it out to someone I really really trust with all my heart.
Because it's about my family. & I'm like 'kutuk' them. I just let it out, lepaskan what I feel to a listener.
But not all the time, I usually keep it by myself. Because they're my family, I don't want to buka aib family sendiri. Berdosa. It will make people have negative thoughts about your family and you as well.
Liked by: khaliesayusri

Kak anna. Hm macam mana nak tulis eh. Macam ni, saya ada dua kawan. Diorang gaduh antara satu sama lain. Tapi saya baik dengan diorang. Jadi diorang ni, mesti kutuk antara satu sama lain. Saya macam tak suka lah. Sebab saya berkawan dua2 orang. Jadi apa yang perlu saya buat? Please help me :)

Bila hang out, pastikan dua dua ada. Biar diorang hipokrit sesama sendiri.
Lama lama mesti ikhlas dan boleh berkawan. InsyaAllah. :-)

Assalamualaikum, kak Anna (: I just want to know why my own bestfriend is like menjauhkan diri dari saya sejak dia ada kawan baru? It's like saya dipinggirkan and I dont want to find a new bestfriend.. I feel like... Hm, I feel so down..

It happened to me too, I think everyone has been in the same situation.
It's common, benda macam ni memang selalu berlaku. You just have to deal with it.
You lost one but you still have more. Be positive.
What kind of bestfriend tinggalkan dia punya bff bila jumpa kawan baru?
Is that even a bestfriend? :-)

But Anna, that's what I've been wishing every single day. My family........ I just don't like it

Ingat, setiap apa yang berlaku ada hikmahnya.
Just be strong, you're not alone.
And be positive. If you don't have them, you still have your friends.
Remember that!

Anna .would you even bother kalau ada orang masuk meminang ,and orang tu tua setahun dari anna ?hehe :-P

I don't know what to say, lol.
But jodoh di tangan Allah. :-)

Means, I must always and never miss to doa that lah? So that, dreams come true?

Yes, show Him how much you want it. That shows your effort.
And not just by doa buat your usaha too. :-)

Hi pretty. I would ask you some advice. Okey, the story start bila sy app someone secara ta ikhlas sbb time tu sy still tak boleh lupakan ex sy. Then, lama2 sy try bkk pintu aty sy utk dy. Sy start rasa jealous, mara suka sedih n semua la. But tiba2, dy tinggalkan sy mcm tu ja. What should i do?

Next time, don't hope and expect so much from a guy.
Guys are unpredictable. & expectations could kill.
Note that in mind.

Kak, you don't answer me :(

I'm sorry, I have tons of questions in the inbox and I'm trying to answer each of them all!
Check my prev answers just incase I've answered your question alright. :-)

i'm sorry. what's meaning of your slogan "How you treat people is how they are going to treat you".

It's not a slogan, haha.
What it means is what you give is what you get back. More like what goes around comes back around.
If you treat someone nicely, they're going to treat you nice too. That's how it works. :-)

How you manage your study? Do you always stay up?

Not all the time.
If I wanted to stay up, I would sleep in the evening so I wouldn't be so sleepy at night.
I do a lot of exercises and short notes.
& I drink Green Tea to reduce stress. :-)


Language: English