
Anna Khayalan

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Anna i need ur advise :-( any tips to forget orang yg kita cinta? :'( apa patut saya buat bila sepi dan sunyi kembali terjah .. And what should i do to prevent myself crying every night?

No tips. Just one advice, MOVE ON. Belajar let it go. :)

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Salam Kak Anna :-) . Boleh tak akak kasik saya tips untuk belajar kak? Hehe. BI saya asyik B je :-( . Saya takut UPSR xleh score semua. Please. :/

Waalaikumussalam. :)
Kena sentiasa rajin buat latihan ye dik. Kalau ada perkataan yang awak tak faham, make sure to jot it down in a book dan cari maksud dia. Hafal vocabulary baru, boleh guna dalam karangan.
Here, http://ask.fm/thekhayalan/answer/7216216629
All the best for your upcoming UPSR examination! :>

kak anna,sy gemuk dan hitam...boys selalu ejek sy..and i feel so down and sad :(( what should i do?

Ignorance is bliss, sayang. Ingat, awak cantik secantik cantiknya. Allah itu Maha Adil. Kutuk diri sendiri sama macam kutuk Pencipta. So, bersyukur dengan yourself ok? Saya tahu perasaan rendah diri, insecure, low self esteem tu macam mana, saya pernah rasa semua tu. Macam mana nak overcome? Kena lah positive. Kalau tak positive macam mana nak stand up? Percaya yang awak tu cantik. Cuba duduk depan cermin, smile & whisper to yourself that "I'm beautiful". FEEL it, don't just say it.
Remember, what defines beauty is the inner side of a person not their appearance. :)

kak anna, org memg judging kite. spm result ke, pakaian ke, cara kite mkn ke. of coz org memg judging kite, so why nak malu? about spm result, you tak tau ape akan terjadi so ape nk malu lepas tu deactive acc. like a baby ler. (sorry typo!) and before anything else,sorry tanye soalan psal abgkandung

Siapa kata saya malu? What's private stays private, sayang. We all need to respect each other's privacy. Sometimes those things yang you think remeh, is someone's privacy tau. :)

happy birthday kak anna! May Allah bless you all the days of your life and all your dreams come true. Don't let little things ruin your day :)

Thank you so much. & Sorry for the very late reply! <3
Liked by: mrawardina Bunny

Happy Birthday Ainaa!! Dah besar dah dia xD

Hahaha thank you, Hanan! Sorry for the very late reply! <3

Happy BIrthday Anna khayalan. May God bless you with more happiness and healthy life !!! adore u ;)

Thank you, Linda! Sorry for the very late reply! <3
Liked by: Sha Linda


Language: English