
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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kak , emm . ex saya nk minta couple balik dgn saya . tapi saya ragu2 nk terima ke tak walaupun hati saya masih sayangkan dia . coz dia bnyk kali break dgn saya lepas tu nak mintak couple balik . perlu ke terima dia balik ?

If it was me, no. Move on, you deserve better. Kalau jodoh, akan dipertemukan semula in the future. Hold on to that. But as for now, focus kepada yang penting dulu. Relationship letak last sekali. You're still young, live your life. :)
Liked by: Me

bleh tolong komen, kalo dlm masa yg sama, ada 2 orng yg suka sye, pastu minta nk couple ngn sye , pe yg perlu sye ckp utk tolak kedua2 request tu, atau pon sye kne pilih slh satu je

Follow your heart. :)

Akak , saya ni mcm dikategorikan batak hot . tapi saya taknak tu semua , but bila adaa org bnyk like dr saya di facebook , tiba2 saya jd jealous . please help meee kak Anna :(

Quite a problem you have there.
Listen, neither like nor subcribers nor friends numbers define who you are. Semua tu tak penting. Orang like because they want to. Buat apa nak jealous? Its just facebook. :)
Liked by: Triple A Me

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6. sebab putra ni macam psycho, bell takut kalu dia text putra, putra ni akan cari dia kacau-kacau dia, tapi hanya bell je yang boleh buat putra ni nak pergi jalani operation. sis saya tak tahu macam mana nak selesaikan masalah dia, harap-harap sis dapat bantu.

Siti Aishah
Sekarang ni yang utama pasal operation putra. If she's the only one who can help, she needs to help for his sake. Tolak benda lain ke tepi dulu, psycho ke apa ke tolak dulu. People can change. If she can talk elok elok dengan the boy, I'm sure everything will be fine. Kena think out of the box, don't be selfish, & be positive. There's always a way to overcome something. Who knows he can change? Sekarang ni its all up to her. Her decision can affect everyone else whether its good or not. May Allah bless. :)
Liked by: Siti Aishah

5. lepas accident tu putra tak sedar sehari and then doctor cakap dekat otak dia ada darah beku, family putra dah suruh operation tapi putra ni tak nak sebabnya saya tak tahu lah kenapa, saya cakap dengan bell suruh pujuk putra ni operation tapi bell ni takut nak text putra sebab (cont)

Siti Aishah

4. lepas putra hantar text tu dia keluar and then dia accident kena langar lori, tapi syukur Alhamdullilah putra ni selamat, tapi bell rasa bersalah sebab putra accident lepas dia hantar text dia sanggup mati demi bell ni (cont)

Siti Aishah

3. bell tak terima putra sebab dia still sayangkan ex dia, yang putra ni dulu awek dia curang dengan dia sampai dia dah tak terima perempuan lain dalam life dia sebelum dia kenal dengan bell ni. (cont)

Siti Aishah

2. one day si putra ni hantar text dekat bell ni dia cakap dia sayang sangat dekat bell and cinta sangat, and bell cakap nak bukti, si putra cakap i love you, and then bell tu nak bukti lain, and then putra tu cakap saya sanggup mati sebab awak (cont)

Siti Aishah

1. sis ni bukan problem saya tapi ni problem kawan saya, saya tak dapat nak bantu dia selesaikan problem ni, kawan saya ni namanya bell and lelaki tu namanya putra, putra ni suka bell, tapi bell ni just anggap putra ni kawan dia je (cont)

Siti Aishah

I like this girl from form 3 and now we are currently waiting for the spm result. I think she have a boyfriend and she will go to Japan in march for 1 year bcause she in an exchange program. So, what should i do ?

You said you think she has a boyfriend. You don't know if she really has a boyfriend, don't you?
Maybe you don't have to do anything but if it kills you from the inside, just let her know. Even if she really has a boyfriend, its not wrong. You're telling her that you like her, confessing not stealing. Good luck, buddy! :)

Akak,Sy calon PMR 2013 . . Sangat risau tentang Sejarah dan Geo . Advice ?

Read, do short notes & do exercises.
Apa apa subject pun, kalau nak master kena buat banyak exercises!
All the best. :)

Saya takut dengan PMR.Maths saya teruk dan juga BM penulisan.Got any advice?

Usaha tangga kejayaan.
Maths > Do more exercises! Buat past questions, usually format sama je yang keluar.
BM > read more.
All the best for your upcoming pmr! :)

kak anna, apa maksud bloody dgn tgif? ;) btw i love you muahh! /flying kisses/

Bloody tu berlumuran darah. In terms of bloody hell if its the reason you asked me, it means damn it.
TGIF states for Thank God Its Friday.
Love you too. :)
Liked by: izzeh

.... (continued) sy belum belajar apa-apa bab lagi. Tak belajar maka tak pandai. Sama macam tak kenal maka tak cinta. So sy akan usahakan apa yg sy nak. And again! Thanks for the useful advices! You're the awesome one who had I know on giving an advices. Love you, assalamualaikum.

So glad you think that way! All the best, love! My prayer goes to you! May Allah bless you, help & guide you always. Insha Allah. I love you too. :)

Omg kak anna. You're seriously an open-minded person! Positive thinking person! Well kak, thanks for the advices. Now I choose too sit on Science class 3 which is takde subjek Bio tp ditukarkan ke subjek Prinsip Akaun. Kak, sy tahu rmai yg kata kelas sains tu susah tp ini baru minggu orientasi so...



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