
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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akak, sy baru jee habis spm. sy tak tau nak ambik bidang ape lepas ni, takde certain minat. Any suggestion?

ღ D ᗰ ღ
Um it's funny because you call me akak because I just finished my SPM too!
We're sebaya!!
Ok let's see. When you said you don't have any certain interest, I believe you were lying because basically everyone ada minat on at least something. Maybe you just can't figure it out yet. So how? Macam ni, sometimes bidang after our high school isn't really about minat. It's about something (or subject) that we're good at. Sebab when we're good at something, maknanya that's our interest. Cuba ingat balik when you were in high school, what's the best subject? Yang you loved, yang you always got high marks compared to other subjects? There must be a subject that excites you every time. Sebab kalau ikut minat, even though you love doing something but you're not good at it and then you're somehow not that type of rajin person. It won't work because it requires a lot of effort. So to be safe, choose something that you're good at. The answer is not with me. Ask yourself, figure it out! All the best! :)

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Hai, sy form4 tahun depan. Cikgu letak sy kelas aliran sains 2. Jadi, sy rasa macam tk mampu je utk belajar addmaths bio fizik kimia tu. Sy mintak utk tukar ke kelas perdagangan. Berbaloi ke tidak? Nk mintak cadangan awak je sbb sy tahu awak ni mesti dah berpengalaman kan. So which is better?

Hi, I recommend you to take the Science class sebab sains luas. You'll learn a lot of new things sama macam other students cuma in advance. But you need to sacrifice a lot of things but trust me, it's worth it. Sains tulen requires a lot of effort, a lot of revision, a lot of readings, a lot of exercises and a lot of study. I'm not lying. And you need to focus in class and ask if you don't understand anything. Learning is fun. Cuma you need to keep up with the topics. When you masuk topik baru, you need to do revision on the past topics so you won't forget any of them. That's very important especially Chemistry, Biology & Add Maths. The topics are somehow related to each other. If you don't understand the front topics & chapters, it's going to be hard for you to understand the other chapters. But hear me, Biology, Add Maths and Physics are easy for you to score. Biology requires a lot of reading! If you read the textbook and understand all of them, A+ is you. While the others you need to do a lot of exercises and understanding. But perdagangan I tell you not that easy too! I recommend you science stream because after SPM, you'll have a lot of options! Mana nak pergi? Matrix? UITM? Or you can proceed to form 6 or boleh terus kalau nak sambung ke oversea. But whatever it is, follow your minat and subjects you're good at! If you think you can do it then ok.
Be positive! Believe in yourself! All the best! :)

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Assalamualaikum kaq anna. nak tanya . apa yang patut saya buat sebab saya ade minat seseorang, kami sangat rapat. tapi saya tak berani nak luahkan sebab saya takut kehilangan dia? thank you :)

Waalaikumussalam. Sometimes bila kita suka someone kita tak semestinya kena luahkan dekat dia. There are times when you just have to keep the feelings by yourself. Because when it's someone yang kita rapat, the fear of losing is always there. It's not about courage. If you're not willing to take the risk, then don't say anything just act normal because the feeling will fade in time. Trust me. But whatever it is, follow your heart. You know best! :)
Liked by: amirah Ikmal Aliff NAAZ

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Kak anna! Hai hm saya harap sgt satu hari nanti saya boleh jadi mcm akak. Sumpah kak, akak lawa sgt. Bagi saya, akak anna ni mcm idola saya. Suatu hari nnti, saya nak jadi mcm akak. Iloveyou kak:)

May Allah bless you and help you to be better than me. Ameen. I love you too! :)
Liked by: A dan F's.

Assalamualaikum Kak Anna! I've been dream about you almost 3 times. Saya ada mesej about mimpi tu dekat fb. Hope you'll read it. Dalam mimpi tu, Kak Anna sweet gila. Saya pulak buruk. Lol (:

Waalaikumussalam. I'm sure you're very pretty in that dream and also in real life because you are. :)
Liked by: Me

Kak Anna, do you think its good to just smile seeing your very bestfriend together with your ex? And that ex was the one who meant a lot to you...

Move on! You should be happy for them! Two person you love are happy together. Time will heal the pain. Forgiving is the first step to move on. Trust me, you'll find someone better in the future. Have faith in Him. Be positive! :)

hye kak .... erm nak tanya if someone ni selalu kutuk or caci or ape ape lah tetibe dia baik dgn kita.. adakah dia mempunyai niat lain ?

Hi, tak baik berfikiran negatif dekat orang lain. Kita tak tahu niat orang apa tapi kita kena lah layan orang dengan baik no matter how bad they treat us. People change! Be positive. :)
Liked by: Nurnasuhaa

So my mom decided to get ride of her. And she did! I was very mad at my mom. Oreo comel is handicapped kitty. How dare her? I looked for her for like a week and my mom say it just wasted my time. I'm not okay :( Help me, what should I do?

It's okay. Allah will look after Oreo. Don't be mad at your mom, that's not nice. Hope Oreo is doing fine right now, hopefully someone else is looking after her. Be positive! :)
Liked by: mya

Akak, remember me? Oreo Comel? Okay lately, she's doing okay. Then one day, I accidently stepped on her tails and she just not being herself. I was an accident. And she bite me, hard. After two days, the wound becomes swollen and puss. My mom taught that cat is dangerous!

Liked by: mya

should i leave him becaise i'll always see he's bad major. But I'll always ask to Allah to cover he's "buruk with he's "kebaikkan".. and now , i feel give up at him but to be honest , im patiently waiting for he's changes. should i ? :\

Or you can pray to Allah to replace the bads with the goods. Don't ask me, you're the one who's in the situation. Ask yourself. Does waiting worth your time? Will he change? :)

Macam mana nak pandai cakap english? Ada tips tak?

When you read, pronounce the words. Berkomunikasi dengan orang lain in English. Tak apa if you have bad grammar, my grammar is bad too but you learn. & That's important. :)

...every single thing in my phone including text mssages and pctures, well they are a lot of thing in my phone that i wud like to keep to myself because sometimes i want it to be special just for me so i am so mad at her. What should i do to make pple stop bullying me?

Waalaikumussalam. Stand up for yourself! If you don't like it, then tell them that you don't like it. If they don't respect that, you have right to be angry because its your privacy and privacy is meant to be private and everyone needs to respect that. Be brave, keep your head up! And, be positive. Remember, some people can't take harsh words even though they're meant to be funny and friendly. Next time, watch your words. :)

Salam Anna, so say you have friends who you like to be with but they are times when you think they dont respect your feelings and ur privacy, so yesterday, i accidentally call this friend "bitch" BUT in a joking and friendly way and she just blow up and took away my phone and rummaging every single-


Assalamu'alaikum. Sis Anna, saya ada dua nombor sis Anna. 012 and 014. Mana satu yang sis Anna guna?

Waalaikumussalam. The second one is my permanent number! :)
Liked by: hajar.

Hey kak anna.. Ingat lagi tak yg saye ckp saya trial dpt lima b empat c. Alhmadulillah resutl sebenar saya dapat enam a .. huhuhu :))

Hi there! Alhamdulillah! So, what's your plan? Not going to any hostel? :)

Hai anna, i have a very very low confidence in myself. I must consider and think carefully before doing smething because im worried ill screw everything. So there's this school program where they send students to overseas but u have to go through an interview. It wud be in group-


in wud be in grup- and they will choose the one who appeals the most. So since im an awrward shy girl with low confidence in herself, do you have any tips to increase my confidence level?

Hi, I know that program. I signed up for it but dad said no because he thought I was too young, haha. I know this is a very late reply and I'm really sorry. The first tips to increase your confidence level is be positive. When you have a positive mind, you'll be calm and confident with yourself. If your mind is full of your negative thinking then you'll be all nervous. Just smile and act like you're confident and independent. Eventually that would be one of your characteristics. I do that a lot. Be calm, cool and relax. All the best! :)


Language: English