
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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youre not sure? Kem PLKN padang kacong in Marang,terengganu right? first day of april.

Yes. I'm not sure if I'm going, I need to get approval from my doctor.

saya tahu knp kak anna kena pilih utk PLKN, maybe. sbb abg kak anna tak pernah pergi/tak pernah pergi PLKN. or try out. klu kak anna tak pergi,adik kak anna pergi. yup,sbb abg saye pergi, so thats mean adik-beradik kiteorg tak pergi. get it,sorry kak anna.

Actually, my brother dah pergi PLKN a few years ago. Don't be so relieved cause I've been told the same thing too.
Liked by: husnaznrdn

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Only RM2,200 ? Uyoooo banyaknya duit akak :o

Sayang, kalau nak dapatkan/capai sesuatu- Kena usaha. Duit saya tak banyak, usaha saya yang banyak. :)
Liked by: ammotti n

dont be sad if you got PLKN.. i got it too adik. Yeah at first i hated that i got chosen too, but Allah knows best.. Now I am married to a great man I met there :) Everything happens for a reason. Trust HIM..

Alhamdulillah, I'm so happy for you! I'm not sad though, I'm excited to be honest. It's just that I'm sick and it's not fun if I go- everybody else will participate the awesome activities while I can't. I feel like I'm going to waste my time if I go. Other than that, I wanna pursue my study cepat cepat. So yeaaaaa, its confusing!! But thank you! Hope your marriage will last till jannah. May Allah bless you & your family. Ameen! :)

Apa yg patut kita buat kalau ada org suka kita,tp kita tak sukakan dia. Perlu ke kita sakitkan hati dia? Mcm mana nk selesaikan?

Tak perlu. Kalau tak suka, it's alright you don't have to do things untuk sakitkan hati dia so he/she will get over you etc. This is not even a problem for you to solve. Ignore it, as simple as that. Feelings will fade in time. :)

Assalamualaikum kak. Saya suka sorang mamat ni. Dya ni india brasal dri indon. *saya melayu* Tpi dya ni muda stahun dri saya. Saya suka gila kat dya. Dya tau gak yg saya suka kat dya. Tapi macam mana nak bgi mamat tu suka kat saya yee? Huhu :'(

Waalaikumussalam. The thing is, you can't make or force people to like you. Perasaan datang dengan sendiri- Tak boleh dipaksa. So, jangan fikir too much. :)

aka dulu pun ada asthma, tapi akak pegi je PLKN.. memang ada pngecualian, tapi kalau nak try dorang bagi je akak buat :)

Saya sebenarnya nak pergi. Mesti seronok gila tapi kenang saya sakit, most activities saya tak boleh join rasa macam tak best. Tambah lagi dapat second call, saya nak belajar. :'(

Assalamualaikum Anna :> so here's my probs..everyone keeps telling me that im ugly..am i? Its broke my heart and my confidence, now i feel like, im nothing :-( just a girl who will die soon and no one will cares :-(

Waalaikumussalam. Girl, people call me ugly, bitch, stupid and all bad names most of the time. They even talk bad about me directly and call me names- Strangers and my 'friends'. What's more heartbreaking than seeing your friends betray you in front of yourself??? But I survive, I still have my confidence, my heart is still functioning. I was thinking of committing suicide too and I almost did it (not joking).
I overcome everything with POSITIVITY. I started to appreciate the little things I have, the few amount of people that are still there for me through every up and down. APPRECIATE. There are still people who actually care about you but you don't notice them, because you're too busy noticing the hate rather than love. Start over. Stop torturing yourself with dumb thinking. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, everybody is beautiful. It takes the right people to see the beauty in someone. Wake up. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you're beautifully made by your Creator. Because you are. Start being positive. You got this. :)

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kalau nak bandingkan dengan lelaki yang baik & yang bukan baik, you judge based on their looks or thier attitude?

It's so so so so wrong to judge someone by their appearance. Yes appearance does matter at times but you can't find out someone's personality, what type of person they are based on what they wear etc. I don't really judge, I'm more to an observer, I find out. I like to get to know people myself instead of judging them mentah mentah.


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