

Ask @thelonelygod11

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Have you ever had a dream with a friend in it, and what your friend did in that dream effected what you thought of them, even though you know it shouldn't because they didn't do it in real life?

JonnyBoehlke’s Profile PhotoJonny Boehlke
Kinda :P

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Would you say Peter Jackson messed up the Hobbit, or fleshed it out?

Both, kind of. The Hobbit needed more detail put into it, because there was so much detail missing from the book itself. Although, he did kind of go crazy with "fleshing it out" by resurrecting Bolg, adding Tauriel, and the Kili/Tauriel romance.....And that kind of messed up those certain bits.

Please don't be depressed, please stop being so negative. You're going to get through this. Life is tough, things happen. I'm gonna help you through this buddy. I've got your back. Do you need a shoulder to lean on buddy? Come here give me a hug.

you're gonna make me cry xD I don't even know you hahahaha thankyou random internet stranger!!! :')
Liked by: Shane

You saying the grunge style looks good on girls or you like wearing the grunge style yourself?

I'm not into dressing that way myself, although I probably would if I could. But yes it looks great on girls hahaha.

What song are you listening to right now?

Umm nothing right now, but the last song I listened to was Mad At Myself by ISSUES
some lyrics belowwww


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