

Ask @thelonelygod11

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What's ur favorite color and what is the color's meaning?

I don't really have a favorite color, besides maybe TARDIS Blue. And that's already kinda self-explanatory. :P

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What, besides being able to sing loudly without being judged, is the best part of being home alone?

Raiding the pantry and the fridge..

What is your aversion to lasagna?

I have no aversion to *eating* lasagna. I do, however, have an aversion to *becoming* lasagna.

wut is a zodiac sign

In astrology, each planet and the sun have a corresponding zodiac sign that is determined by their location relative to Earth at the time of one's birth.

Yeah i just reconsidered, like "Does Thomas really deserve an insult that cruel?"

thanks for giving me the not-so-cruel insult :)


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