
Tommy Lee

Ask @tomcruisin

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tbh tommy you're actually such a nice person and you take the best pictures and you always say super nice things to me which i dont get a lot and i really appreciate it!! (besides the time you told me im a cow which is nOT cool) but yeah thanks so much and im happy we're friends! ((:

I'm still better than you at table tennis

tbh tommy ew like why would anyone want to do a tbh for you oh wait I'm doing one right now ooops? lol jk ahhh you've got some major qt swag going on there, and my dad and my sister still want to meet you :D sometimes I don't get you but ur so funny...SILLY PUTTY (hope that humiliates you kay) :)

Grace Mui
LOL qt swag ✌

tbh tommy you get way too excited online, but in person you're awkward, especially since you get a full blast of history fury so this is a shoutout sayin good luck yo

Connor Peterson
haahah we shud talk more in person yo (ush4lyfe)

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tbh tommy you are a very interesting person, your antics in math are hilarious and i dont understand you at all most of the time, youre really cool and nice and im glad i have classes with you this year! you sometimes scare the crap out of me where you sneak up on me and touch my hand tho

LOL thanks track

tbh you're a little fucker that annoys me every chinese class but when you're not being weird as shit i guess you're not that bad (but thats like 1 minute out of 7 hours) stop asking me to game with you because I never will

worst tbh fuck you jizzwon

so all of u ppl that are hiding behind anon and talking shit about him why dont u just say it to his face? or is it cuz ur too scared? huh? well if ur too scared then maybe just dont fucking say anything. yes tommy is... him sometimes but lets be honest hes not low. he might be dumb but not low.

Liked by: catherine kwon

tommy, i know i'm quite rude to you sometimes but i just wanted you to know that i really hope you're doing okay. you are really one of the most interesting people i've met, stay strong

hahah hope this is from nora but ✌

Whoever is saying that Tommy is low, stop telling and implying his opinions are wrong! He has his, and you have yours, get over it! (*◕‿◕*)

hahah thanks anon
Liked by: leah Elizabeth

tbh you're pretty artistic. you have a pretty feminine personality which is cool cuz you have a easy time socializing with girls. (lol something im SO good at) you take great photos. im going to repeat myself cuz you're really good. you take very good photos. yea send me some of the photos tmr!

hahah thanks jisup!


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