
Tommy Lee

Ask @tomcruisin

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tommy, i know i'm quite rude to you sometimes but i just wanted you to know that i really hope you're doing okay. you are really one of the most interesting people i've met, stay strong

hahah hope this is from nora but ✌

Whoever is saying that Tommy is low, stop telling and implying his opinions are wrong! He has his, and you have yours, get over it! (*◕‿◕*)

hahah thanks anon
Liked by: leah Elizabeth

*never knows whats going on in math* *literally CAN NOT sit still, roams around the room* *BREAKS SCULPTURES WHEN TRYING TO CLOSE THE WINDOW* *brings spicy noodles that made me albert and nora cry* *always makes a heart sign with hands* *SNEAKS UP BEHIND ME WAY TOO OFTEN* *is really funny and nice*

HAHAHAH tanks traci this is so accurate

so all of u ppl that are hiding behind anon and talking shit about him why dont u just say it to his face? or is it cuz ur too scared? huh? well if ur too scared then maybe just dont fucking say anything. yes tommy is... him sometimes but lets be honest hes not low. he might be dumb but not low.

Liked by: catherine kwon


Language: English