
Ellie Campbell

Ask @elliecampbelll

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lol @ calvin not giving a shit about how things ended between you.

fuck off seriously, you ask him one question on ask and you think you know the whole story? firstly you are rude for assuming that calvin is that bad a guy, which anyone can tell you he isn't, and secondly if what happened was a sensitive topic with either of us this would be incredibly hurtful. i literally am so stressed rn i don't give a shit about what you have to say but honestly, just stop. dont try to resurface shit from over a year ago, like what good are you accomplishing. youre just trying to start drama which is ridiculous. youre just trying making him look bad and make me feel shitty about everything. but just stop, it's ridiculous and honestly i am so tired and stuff i just don't want to deal with your annoying questions anymore which are sitting unanswered in my inbox (I assume it was you that sent me like 6) when i have much more important stressful things that actually require my attention so please just GO AWAY x

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you already have enough credits to graduate?

yep, as of the end of this semester ill have all the credits that i need to graduate!

whoa you want to go to Edinburgh Uni??!! my sister goes there you should talk to her about it :)

i would actually love to!! what is she studying there??

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why wont the school give you your diploma?

some strange rules and such, they're incredibly strict about the requirements for having completed english 12 and aren't going to give me the credit because i didn't meet all requirements, since i wasn't a senior when I took the class sigh

are you graduating this year?

noooo i am not! the school won't give me my diploma (don't even start me im so mad) so i'm just going to go to American high school (hopefully in america if my family doesnt get randomly moved) next year for a year and focus on getting into my dream dream dream school Edinburgh :) I'll have all my credits done for my diploma though so Im going to take AP Calc and try to get a five to try to improve my chance of getting in (even though i am actually terrible at math) and work on boosting my gpa.
Liked by: - Chandler

my shot = shaun marion... you dont want (if you dont get the reference google it)

BenCherry98’s Profile PhotoBen Cherry
hahahah i gotchu man you doubt my following of basketball but honestly he's in the nba i mean like if you have an nba worthy shot you go girl
Liked by: Ben Cherry

i will fight this anon.... ellie clearly deserved her award whether it was at apac or awards night cuz shes pretty much amazing at everything she does. even though she gets beat up... a lot... she still fights and gives it her all, which i end up taking care of her C: and she brought pizza today <3

ahahha yeah anon I BUY PIZZA FOR MY TEAM clearly i am deserving. thanks baby monkey you always know how to take care of me <3
Liked by: Jess

ellie most definitely deserved an award on awards night. in fact i was surprised she didnt get mvp and thats coming from someone who watched a loooot of her games. forget da haters gurl

Jaret Allred
Thank you so much j-rat! you're so nice and i know you're going to dominate next year on the court :) but actually thank you this is so lovely to hear especially from someone as familiar with the game as you c:

ellie clearly this anon is retarded and must have not seen you play basketball, you played hard every game and have a large amount of talent to continue on playing! you were also a great leader to the other girls as an athlete and as an example on how to keep your composure. the team looks up to you

aww thank you so much! this is actually such a meaningful message for me, it means so much to hear this :) you're so sweet
Liked by: -

you didn't deserve an award at awards night

omg this is so late howd you even remember awards night lol
but i can understand that, it felt a little unfair to the other girls (who all honestly could have gotten an award for something this season) since I got all apac too. but regardless, i put everything into this season of basketball, and i literally worked my ass off for 3 months straight to win. Like i can't explain to you how much this team meant to me this year, and how motivated i was to do whatever it took to contribute to the team the best i could. i'm also not going to lie, i improved a butt ton this season from last, i never got close to scoring over 50% of the points in a game last year, where as this year that happened multiple times for me.
I guess all in all you could say i didn't deserve an award, but i genuinely believe that it wasn't wrong for me to receive one, even if its cocky. I've never tried so hard at anything in my life, or been so emotionally invested. every step along the way in this season i did whatever i could to improve, and i actually love basketball.

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are you leaving SAS next year?

unfortunately yes :( I can't describe how incredible my short, but meaningful time in shanghai has been though. I'll never forget every experience I had here, and am so thankful that i got to experience it. Ill miss everything about this city, from the killer pollution (and aqi screenshots) to the amazing people and beautiful french concession. but i can't help but feel so so so grateful that I ever got a slice of this city in my time, and i'll definitely return at some point in my life.
holy crap i'm going to miss it so much.

tbh i really hope we live in the same place next year, it would make leaving a whole lot easier... anddd uhh thats it cuz you already know how i much i love you, or at least you should (:

dani hartshorn
omg man i feel youuuuuu. i love you almost as much as you love mike (◠‿◠✿) but actually you are pErfect c:

who are you favorite senior girls? (friends)

who are these people so interested in my friendships????
but ok so last year i was super close to anna, tay, alex cause of bri and also serena, tiff, colleena (lol ur ugly), evelyn and liza (i felt the need to say their names together it just sounded weird apart?), MANON 4 sure, india, yeah and im sure im forgetting people but thats the people that come to mind right now :,)

who are you favorite senior guys? (friends)

ahhh sah many! well you probably guessed this but miku gets my #1 spot but after that i really like (in no order)
keef, acer, dallan, calvin, rob, alec
and then theres people i dont really know but really like, such assss
davis (i dont know him well but he's so funny and lovely), pc (im really scared of him but he's still really funny every time i talk to him), isaac (i feel like i'm obliged to like him since he's dating my boyfriend), and nick shao was really nice to me at the beginning of the year, even if i dont talk to him that much now c:
Liked by: Davis Newman

why was it ever awkward with you and Calvin? just curious

he killed my family.
jk we just stopped talking for a while last year cause of stuff and awkwardness but now we're cool again which is fun because who's better to make fun of than silly gong


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