Ask @mmiohara

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who will you miss nextyear thats leaving this year??

I'm gonna miss everyone I'm so upset just thinking about all of my friends who are leaving

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happy birthday from your favorite 6th grader(: i know this is kinda awkward but have a great one!!

Aww thank you!

hola amiga u r a great friend and im very blessed to hav a friend like u bcoz u can tolerate me and my strange actions but also encourage me in being myself (aka being vain)!!!!!!!! wo ai ni u r very cool B)

elaine1234569’s Profile Photoelaine
I'm so flattered WOw thanks man I hope you marry Aubs
Liked by: elaine

What do you prefer: read the newspaper, watch TV News, or check online news?

if anyone would like to write my chinese essay for me I will build you a house out of cupcakes!! please and thank you, be a kind soul and help a brother out ok

Hey mio! You are very cool! Mr. Lee admires how hot you are. You are intimidating to someppl but ur just cute to me so idk wut i see

MexicanBoy22’s Profile PhotoJorge Rada
Thank you Jorge! (For clarification hot stands for higher order thinker..) it's so much fun to have you in two classes

MIÓ YOU ARE SO NICE AND NOT JUDGEMENTAL (most of the time) and i am so glad we share really similar interests!!!!! mio hara you will forever be my one and only young child <3 thank you for being cool and going on roller coasters with me!!

Thanks Lena you precious BUB!! I love you
Liked by: Lena Z.

hilarious, so pretty :~) very cool person, BE MY FRIEND

pammi627’s Profile Photopammi
thank you! if my slapping of your butt is not an indication of friendship then I don't know what is
Liked by: pammi

your clothes are always so cute and i dont know you v well but you seem really funny and cool !!

THanks dud!

HELLO MIO i forget your chinese name is it yang si yue??? idk haha anyways you seem like such a really cool/funny person from what i've heard about you and from observation in chinese class (lol) i hope we can get to know you and become good friends!!! lets team up with robin and beat chinese class!

Thank you Dylan!! Ah yes you need to move to our table in Chinese because we need the genius on our team


OMG good effort though! but this made me laugh really hard

mio hara! you are gorgeous and you have the cutest smile, you make asian history so entertaining (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

rubyy77’s Profile PhotoRuby
THANKS judgmental 20 push ups heh
Liked by: Ruby

mio! you're so gorgeous and so kind and we should definitely talk more! you're clothes are also soso cute and wow you're great <33

cattli’s Profile Photocat
Thank you Cat, you're such a cutie
Yes let's talk more for sure!
Liked by: cat

Mio i dont know where to began, you're such an amazing friend and never judge me when im at my worst. you are so beautiful inside and out and always say the funniest things. i tell you this alot but your butt is amazing and inspires me.

AWW I am so grateful to have you as a friend
I love you I love you I love you

did you write any anonymous compliments for the nhs thing?

yeah, I think it's really cool that people in our school came up with that! Some of my friends and I spent an entire lunch period writing those things, it was lots of fun (ALTHOUGH Elaine and Carli may have gone a bit overboard) Also shout out to anyone who wrote me one they were really cute ha they made my day so thanks so much for that
Liked by: Jaret Allred

Your random outbursts of laughter make my day.

I bet you're the cause of my laughter so thank you for making me laugh!! And thank you for taking the time to send these lovely messages
Liked by: elaine

don't forget that your life is worthing living for and you're amazing in your own special way! have a great day and keep smiling! :) *this is a random act of kindness and i hope you'll pass it on to others as well!*

This is really nice, thank you! I hope you had a great day~

how would you feel if you get asked to prom?

I doubt I'd get asked because it's a pretty special thing (at least to me) and I don't know any upperclassmen well enough that they'd ask me? It's not like I'm gonna be crushed if I don't get asked because I have 3 more years of high school but HEY ultimately your decision whether you want to ask/go!

sophomores you want to get to know better?

All the sophomores I have met so far are really nice and I want to know all of them better! I think anyone I have a class or a club or played a sport with but some of them are kind of intimidating and I don't know how to start a conversation.. .
Liked by: Brandon H.

i feel like we are drifting apart and it makes me sad

aw I'm sorry I've kind of doing that a lot lately it's just school and stuff don't take it personally! Come talk to me cause I can't really do anything about it unless I know who you are :~)

you seem really cool, but you're too intimidating so I never talk to you...

THANKS! A lot of people tell me I'm intimidating and/or hard to approach.. I don't really know whY?? I'm sorry I come off that way but you can come talk to me (or fb/skype me) I will not bite off your head I promise!
Liked by: Brandon H.

this guy I like told me that I dress weird but I cant afford to buy a lot of new clothes wat shoul d i do?

Okay listen, you can wear whatever the fuck you want and if he thinks you look weird he can go get pooped on by a pigeon!! Tbh it sucks for him that he's super narrow-minded but his narrow-mindedness should not affect how you see yourself!! The only opinion that matters is YOURS. If you think you look snazzy as heck, then you look snazzy as heck. Don't let his irrelevant opinion bring you down, who fucking cares dude. The most important thing is that YOU like what YOU'RE wearing. 亲爱的朋友, dress for yourself and no one else :~))


immensely regretting my decision from 5 years ago............
wait I'm actually incapable of typing it because its so ridiculous, you can just ask one of my friends :~)))

are you close to your parents?

honestly sometimes I feel like I'm not close to my parents AT ALL (with me being a moody hormonal teenager and all) but I feel pretty comfortable talking to my mom about most things and I don't get to see my dad as much but we still manage


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