Ask @mmiohara

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if you asked him several times and he chooses not to tell you, you should respect that he doesn't want to publicly publish his sexuality on ask so a nosey person sitting behind a computer hiding behind anonymity can judge him.......
it's not really my place to say and it shouldn't matter anyway... his sexuality shouldn't change the way you view him. not that he would give two fucks anyway lol
Liked by: Lena Z. Traci

favorite songs at the moment?

Talk - Kodaline
Hang Me Up to Dry - Cold War Kids
Poison & Wine - The Civil Wars
Sideways - Citizen Cope
Knee Socks - Arctic Monkeys
Lisztomania - Phoenix**
Nobody Asked Me (If I Was Okay) - Sky Ferreira
Furthest Thing - Drake
I've also been listening Kanye's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy record a lot

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thoughts on ethan, bobby, jeffrey

Ethan: strange, laughs really weird, PE buddy, he can either be super nice and considerate or the most annoying person in the world
Bobby: we don't really talk that much he's always does stupid things in math to make me laugh
Jeffrey: bestest ping ponger in the world, two peas in a pod!

thoughts on stone, colton, jorge

Stone: really annoying + always makes me laugh, a really genuine and kind person, so glad I have homeroom and gym with him
Colton: a smart person who's usually my partner during English and Asian History, super nice and always offers help
Jorge: good theater student and works really well with people and a really funny person in general
Liked by: Stone Damon

Impersonate your favorite person

"I feel drake"
"Because drake is an emotion"
*makes 34289473 catwang edits*
"I cannot go to public school in the states"
*talks about education for 90842083 hours*
"It's ok I don't need friends"
"I have cats and drake"
*hugs me when I'm sad*
*takes cute selfies*
*takes scary selfies*
*sends me 4375931 selfies*
"I'm sending my ants to your house"
*loses every argument*
*starts rapping and everyone migrates to another planet*
*spontaneously starts rapping during a serious conversation*
"I'm black"
*gives me a pep talk*
"It's okay you have me"
Liked by: leah Briana Lena Z.

tbh i was irrationally afraid of you becuase you seem like a sassy woman, but youre super nice and one of my favorite freshmen yo. also we make a great team in sprout!!! sorry bout the mistress thing heh

thanks dude, disappointed that you did not answer my tbh though I put a lot of thought into that

thoughts on sophia lundberg

where do i begin
the loudest person i know, always makes fun of me, smells nice 24/7, great humor, and generally a really scary person
"who will make fun of you when I die?" "the one with the jewish nose????" "adam sandler LOL"
Liked by: Carli

where do you buy your dresses? like the ones for parties

um I usually get Lena to order my dresses on taobao (cheap and accessible) because im incapable of navigating my way around the interwebs. luh you bub <3
Liked by: Lena Z.

Tbh you're soooooo cute! You're really funny and sweet (: and your hair, omg gimme. I want to get you know better! Your hugs are the best btw c:

you killed on the court tonight congrats!!! forever hating on kaitie <333 ily
Liked by: Amanda

tbh mio i really dont know where 2 start. ur so amazingly gorgeous and r always there for me when i need u. ur one of my fave kidz even tho u always prefer pareesa which is not cool. life wud really suck without u and we need 2 go 2 taylor swift together so i can cry without getting made fun of <333

love you muchly <3333
Liked by: Carli

MIO TBH YOU ARE THE CUTEST EVER. you are sososo cute and fun and nice and you have a fab personality~~~ youre one of the coolest freshman and im glad carli introduced me to you!

you're the best traci <333

hi hi hi hi hih ihaisohdisbdf jd gdfbgfdhg fdhjg dfkj gdfjb ghjfd gjdhfg GUESS WHO THIS IS MIO? I KNOW YOU LOVE MEEEEE uaisdfnjklvgbtyjuiikuygfdsa

Vanessa Lynn Smiley
Liked by: Carli Lena Z.

im 78% positive i did not say this [10/19/13 9:21:30 PM] Elaine: did i just kill u wit my swaggy or this [10/5/13 9:04:33 PM] Elaine: my face is gaining weight [10/5/13 9:04:34 PM] Elaine: this is never good wo de ma yi lai ni de jia我的蚂蚁来你的家 >:(

Liked by: Lena Z. Allyson Carli

people in the grades above you would like to get to know better .?

there are a quite a few but probably won't happen
i either come off as social awkward/introverted or loud/obnoxious plus I live with chronic bitch face

why are you and misha so close thats weird

she tells me to get my shit together and helps me get out of trouble 24/7
mother daughter relationship namsayin
Liked by: Lena Z. Carli

skype chat withelaine?

omg I love this question here are my personal favs:
[10/19/13 9:21:30 PM] Elaine: did i just kill u wit my swaggy
[10/13/13 9:58:34 PM] Elaine: is laming a word
[10/13/13 9:58:40 PM] Elaine: the act of being lame
[10/13/13 9:58:46 PM] Elaine: "wat r u doing"
[10/13/13 9:58:50 PM] Elaine: "casually laming"
[9/29/13 10:28:46 PM] Elaine: WHY DOES ROHINI ALWAYS TALK TO ME
[9/29/13 10:28:50 PM] Elaine: cAN SHE NOT TAKE A HINT
[9/29/13 10:29:00 PM] Elaine: WHEN SOMEONE SAYS "haha cool" ITS NOT HAHA AND ITS NOT COOL
[10/5/13 9:04:33 PM] Elaine: my face is gaining weight
[10/5/13 9:04:34 PM] Elaine: this is never good
Liked by: Carli Lena Z.


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