
tiare brea

Ask @breatheplaya

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that person is a lying piece of shit, you are straight up gorgeous and awesome

YOU are straight up gorgeous and awesome
Liked by: tracy

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<3 ib is a pain in the butt and it's normal to feel inadequate. IB often just makes me feel flat out stupid because it's incredibly hard and time consuming. love you though and keep being the beautiful person you are, hehe i hope you cheered up a bit seeing nice anon messages :')

thank you! lovely people with lovely messages do make me feel happy!
Liked by: Chandler

sheesh i just wanted to say something nice..........

oh no! i was was making a general statement to the anon that sent me hate. i love you baby come back to me <3

fuck that anon you're perfect so what if you complain about ib everyone does its very difficult i wish you luck!

well i no longer need your luck im dropping the diploma. YES ANON IM A DROP OUT. WOULD YOU LIKE TO FAULT ME FOR THAT TOO?

wow tiare, im impressed! and to the anon... fuck you take ib and if you come out smiling ill cut my left nut off.

no anything but the left nut!
Liked by: caroline Gaby

that anon is ridiculous...i dont know you very well but you are BEAUTIFUL and incredibly talented in many ways and you are also super funny so i dont even understand what the point in sending yo that hate was bc you are fab

don't know me very well? WELL GET TO KNOW ME BECAUSE YOU SWEET
Liked by: Traci Davis Newman

ok i know that your biggest issue out of those two mean messages is not the one about your looks but i cannot relate to the ib one and all i want to say is you are hands down one of most spectacular looking people i have ever met/talked to/known and you're just beauty in the simplest form wow

thank you it is very nice to know that lovely people still exist.

oh my goodness what the heck tysm you just made my day!!! my flappy bird score is a very big achievement and it took many many hours but don't worry you can do it i believe in you!!!

your faith in me brings tears to my eyes ;)
Liked by: - billie

My hopefully not futile attempt to bring some positivity to ask.fm ... Pick someone you don't know very well.. maybe someone you don't know at all or have never talked to before, and give them an honest compliment. You'll be surprised- the smallest thing can make someone's day.

okay so there's this girl right and her name is Billie I think okay that's what it says on her ask fm. and sometimes when people like other answers she shows up on my feed. and holy damn her flappy bird score is over 100 and you have no idea how much I respect that. seriously I can't even. I know the struggle because I'm addicted too and GIRL if you are reading this I want you to know that you are my flappy bird idol. your picture on ask is also very cute is this creepy I think she's a freshman ANYWAYS keep doin yo thang and if Kevin G from mean girls taught me anything it was that you shouldn't stop the haters from doing yo thang. he also said to Janice Ian that he rather see her out there shakin that thang and I don't know how that applies to this at all but I'm really tired ok.


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