
Rebecca Costa

Ask @brazilianmama

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does your sister have a boyfriend?

yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss they've been dating for I don't even know how long and have been doing long distance and have everything planned so I'd suggest you don't go for it-- sorry to disappoint. ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️
Liked by: Catherine Zhou

I don't know if I'm that big. For all your fans can you please tell your bra size?

I thought I should return to this website and give it another try and then this was the first question waiting for me.. I think I'll just leave again
PS: it's an N --- as in none of your goddamn buisness.
Liked by: Madeline Leary pammi

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if your being extremely quiet what does it mean?

oh wow im surprised anyone even notices this enough to ask me.. im flattered? well, i think i have a lot of different personalities or moods (?). usually if im really quiet its because i feel like observing and listening, taking in more than giving for that day, just because i feel like it. or sometimes im bummed out about something or just really focused on whatever i'm doing. then there are my really philosophical days where i'll spend way too much time just thinking. i mean overload thinking, non-stop, just connecting things and wondering and why this why that .. generally philosophical days (idk how to explain?). but most of the time im just extremely exhausted and tired.
yeah.. don't think that if im quiet it automatically means im sad. according to dustin i seem to have a natural face that just looks sad all the time.. but yeah, im probably just having some deep conversation with myself about what ants think about when theres a huge piece of cake on the floor.. or something completely out of the blue like that... i dont knowwww im strange sometimes jhfgjwkefgl

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do you really think you cant hold a conversation with any of the boys in your grade? i felt pretty hurt

oh boy. alright, look, of COURSE i can hold a conversation with the boys its not like theyre animals, jeez. a lot of them i can have really nice talks with. i guess what i meant, and what maybe some of the other girls mean, is that its hard to really talk to them if youre not one-on-one. when theyre all hanging out together it can be hard to get a proper conversation in. but then again, that's the same thing with girls. i dont think this is a gender thing its more of a .. teenage thing. i always end up hearing so many different complaints from either side and i think everyone just needs to understand that this is a part of maturing and growing up. i think everyone needs to start noticing their own annoying flaws and have a bit more understanding and empathy towards one-another because like i said, its just being human and a teenager and growing up and blah blah insert teenage speech everyone's heard. can we all just chillax on the intense hurtful topics on ask.fm.
also lastly, i wanna apologize if i did actually hurt any guys i should've picked my words more carefully when i answered that question. and if chris is reading this i just wanna say that i was actually not referring to you or whatever you said in flex when i commented on maturity. my mind was somewhere completely different. annnnddd thats about it on boys for the moment. shout out to only A FEW boys that i have great conversations with (just to make everyone feel better about this whole thang): jaret, connor, max, ben, chris, alec, mikas, i dont know imma stop listing now. c000000l bye.

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freshmen you want to get to know better?

i honestly don't really know any freshmen. i dont have any specific desire to get to know anyone in particular, just generally wish i knew them better as a whole..?
Liked by: Madeline Leary

are u able to hold an actual conversation with ur guy friends?

very few. it's really sad.. but you know it's just a stage of growing up and being boys. I mean girls have shit like that too at this age, just different things.
Liked by: Chandler

just wanted to say, you make the world a better place for someone, somewhere, so be happy!

I hope so! thanks ❤️

someone who is--- funny: sweet: caring: smart: trustful: gives good advice: always listens to you:

funny: Connor
sweet: Caroline
caring: Gemma
smart: Jaret
trustful: Meghan
gives good advice: Marisa
always listens to me: myself (I talk to myself a lot)
by the way these were just the first people that came to mind

ur picture made me hungry at 11 37 pm good job ps... i already brushed my teeth

eat and then brush them again? brushing your teeth doesn't have to be a one time deal

My hopefully not futile attempt to bring some positivity to ask.fm ... Pick someone you don't know very well.. maybe someone you don't know at all or have never talked to before, and give them an honest compliment. You'll be surprised- the smallest thing can make someone's day.

why do this on ask when you can do it in real life! go give people compliments and hugs

prettiest girls you know

have you seen the girls at SAS??because let me tell you that it is a struggle to look good in comparison to pretty much anyone and if i were to answer this I'd need a long ass list
Liked by: Gaby

What's something that's really bothering you right now?

i feel like I'm never going to have enough time to do everything i want to do and its one of those deep life contemplations where you feel like throughout your whole life you'll never have time to do the things that you truly love and you just worry about dying too soon and its just. its great. we all have these crisis' am i right?

What's one thing you love about yourself?

umm i i like.. uh.. i .. um.. ah sorry i have no clue. oh! no i know. that i appreciate and notice a lot of the little things in life c;


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