
Toni-lee Waldron

Ask @toniilee1

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explain what u see in Luke and why you loved him

Here we go haha, might get emotional..
I remember when we were on Skype one night and we were being flirty with each other and than he wrote in the text box " will you go out with me ". I remember when he first came over my house for Christmas, I had butterfly's because I was so scared and shy. We watched movies and did some cute shit. I remember him meeting my whole family for my birthday, I was so scared because my family can be judge mental when they meet all our boyfriends and girlfriends. But they all loved Luke and thought he was a lovely boy. My mum always said " Luke should do this with us, Luke this, Luke that " and idk, my family loved that kid.. A lot! We use to chill so much that we got on each other's nerves. We always facetimed & acted like dick heads. He was basically the only person I would felt normal with. I would wear no make up, hair tied back, singlet and pants on around him and not bother about it, I use to get really insecure about myself but he use to kiss me on the forehead and call me beautiful all the time. We use to always take stupid photos together and do cute things. He was basically the love of my life, I loved waking up to good morning texts calling me princess and beautiful. He made me feel special. I didn't lose my virginity to him because we were dating for so long or other reasons, I lost my virginity to my boyfriend, lover, bestfriends & my everything. Things have changed the past month, I know I hurt Luke & made him feel like shit out whole relationship I regret doing that, I promised I would fix things but I only mad them worse. I'm not perfect and I know I never will be but I would do anything for Luke but his moved on now & I need to understand that. Akira, I really do hope he makes you happy & you guys do last. I hope you make him happier than I ever do. Fuck, this was so hard to write :(.

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ho - amber yr 9

She has a good body. She got nice eyes and hair. And also, fab tan. She can be nice and good to talk to but is a two faced bitch. This is my honest opinion on her so no one have a sook. She posts photos saying how she works out or goes for jogs but than I've been told she doesn't even do it. She talked so much shit behind our back saying we made her life hell or something. And she goes around saying my friends are pathetic for drinking but she got drunk a couple weeks ago and got " alcohol poisoning ". And she judges everyone on what they wear. :)

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best drunk and stoned memorie?

This is weird cause I'm talking to someone about this topic hahaha.
Drunk- at mine probs, had less than 40 people. Drinking sour monkey and Smirnoff. Danced, had fun & threw up hahaha. best night but!! and kyal looked after me the cutie.
Stoned- the other week, laying in bed and some reason I thought I was at work and I said to the person next to me " do you want a cheeseburger with that " HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. than I was talking to my door thinking it was Lucy. yolo.


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