

Ask @toogodlyb

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If you could have any car you wanted, what kind of car would you get?

Matte black with red trimming G wagon

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How do you motivate yourself?

jacobdunn82’s Profile PhotoMrFluffyKitten
Look myself in the mirror do the high school musical vocal warm up and Chuck WAP on and remind myself who I am 😂
Jksjks but I really do just remind myself who I am n go what I needs to do

If people are calling for you to throw away your garbage but you feel that there's a diamond worth saving, do you do it? (Metaphor)


Did you want to have a million friends or a million siblings?

Both are just as fkn bad
Big old land of incest

How's your relationship with God rn?

I don’t know you should ask him
The grim reaper will be coming to see you soon ;)


Language: English