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Hi! I know you were asking about playing a character younger than oneself and currently I'm struggling with that! I'm 15 and will be playing young jane banks in Mary Poppins this spring... some things I've found that have helped is moving your tougue a little back in your mouth when singing...

***Response in part 2

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I'm a soprano hoping to audition for Sugar (Some Like It Hot) with no real role in mind I just want to be cast. Any audition song ideas?

I am so sorry but I am not familiar with this show:(
However, I would just overall suggest choosing a song similar in style to the music of the show that shows off your range! Break a leg!

How do you usually express your emotions?

I cry at everything whether I'm happy, sad, or angry.
I cried when I saw the castle at magic kingdom for the first time in 10 yrs
I cried when I thought I was about to lose a card game and then had a major comeback
I cried when someone made me so angry I wanted to chew her head off

I have the chance to audition for two shows this spring. One is a Shakespeare play and the other is clue the musical. I'm not sure which one to try. I'm not a fan of Shakespeare but I'd like to try. But I love musicals and love clue. I can't do both as the rehearsals conflict. Any advice?

If at all possible audition for both, if you choose just one, you might end up not getting in and then you're stuck without a show. If you audition for both, you have double the chance of getting into a show.
If you must choose, choose the musical, to me, it sounds like the one you would rather do. Go with your instincts and choose the one that will both stretch your abilities and that will be enjoyable.
Liked by: Whitney

I found his monologue that I love but it has mature content and could possibly be triggering. I want to preform it for my drama class but idk. I feel like if I do it and do it badly, I'll offend people. Should I preform it or hold back and do another, tamer one?

It kind of depends on the audience you are going in front of. Normally I would say if you feel confident, then go with your gut, but if it contains things that should not be said in front of a certain audience then don't do it.
No this doesn't mean be afraid of offending people, never be afraid of that because people can get offended no matter what you do. Just use your best discretion on what you feel is appropriate for yourself and your audience.

I'm auditioning for 1776 and my director said she is willing to cast girls as the parts of Franklin, Livingston, and Sherman. I'm a 15 year old female with an alto voice part, which one of the three parts would I have the best shot at auditioning as and most likely getting casted

I'm sorry but I'm not really that familiar with this show. Break a leg though! Sorry I couldn't help!

When I sing my audition song at home, I sound fine. But when I try it in the theatre where I'll be auditioning, I sound like I'm struggling and having a hard time. I think it may be because I'm singing it 10x louder there. Any tips on how to keep the volume while still sounding comfortable?

I seem to say this a lot, but it really is one of the best things you can do when trying to sing loud!, breathe correctly and sing from your diaphragm!

Feedback? soundcloud.com/sometheaterkid

Theatre Problems
Your voice has a great tone! Really it has a beautiful sound to it! The only other thing I noticed was that you are holding a little bit back and singing through your nose a little bit, but that may just be the mic you were using. But I love that sing! Great job!
Liked by: Theatre Problems

I'm going to an open audition soon, and I'm petrified that someone's going to have the same audition song as me. What should I do I someone sings the same one as me?

Go with what you practiced. Don't panic and change songs last minute. Sing as rehearsed and own it!

Hey I just wanted to let you know that I think you making this account is really rad. I do theater, sing, and dance myself and I wish I had something like this when I was struggling <3

Aww! You are so sweet! Seriously this means a lot! Thank you!

Hi, I'm the one who sent the question about belting earlier. I did everything you said and really focused on using my core and breathing with my diaphragm. I'm not sure it was a belt, but it was loud and the tone was not at all breathy, and it felt great. Thank you so much! I might've just belted!

Theatre Problems
Yay! Glad to have helped! Keep it up, you'll be singing like sutton in no time!
Liked by: Theatre Problems

I've always wanted to learn to belt. I've looked up countless videos and tutorials on how to access your belt, but nothing clicks. Singer to singer, how can I access my belt? And please, don't just tell me to get a voice teacher. That's not an option for everyone,

I agree that is not an option for everyone. I myself cannot afford one. I just suggest it as an option for those who can.
W/o lessons, you are on the right track. Videos help a lot if you can find the right one but they are hard to find.
To belt breathe from your diaphragm. When you are doing this, your shoulders should move very little while singing. You should also feel your core moving a lot more.
It also helps to get into a "power-stance" meaning stand straight with your legs shoulder length apart with your arms loose at your side.
Find a spot and aim your voice for it. This can be the opposite wall. Act like you are projecting your voice to that spot.
Practice and please be careful not to hurt yourself! No one likes a strained voice!

I'm playing my first character w/ singing in a musical that opens in about a week. I sing a part in 2 songs&I always mess up. Everyone else has there part but I don't. I feel awful&untalented. I practice religiously but it doesn't do any good. I always sound awful/quiet. Any tips on sounding better?

It sounds to me like your confidence is down. And in sure it doesn't help when you keep messing up. Keep practicing and instead of thinking about messing up, start telling yourself how good you're going to be! Stop pitting so much pressure on yourself, relax, have in and you will get it! Believe in yourself!

Hi. I need advice I am unsure if I can actually sing or not as I can hold a note (like really well eg. The last note in DG I sound quite good in) and can riff but only sound good when I sing musical songs. If I sing a pop song I just sound awful?!

Sometimes certain styles of music are just your forte. But if you would like to expand your range of styles just practice, practice, practice! It is always good to be versatile. If you take voice lessons see if your teacher has any more advice, and if not, YouTube has some excellent tutorials.

This may be an odd question, but how do you stay in character while singing? When I sing my song in the musical I'm in, I lose character and concentrate too much on timing and not acting.

I used to have this problem and it took so long to fix it! I eventually found that when I was focusing too much on technique and timing is when I would mess up the most. Mainly because that wasn't allowing me to get into character. Finally I just began to tell myself "don't think" before I went on. I'd forget all the worry. When you get to the point that you know the song, just don't think. It allows you to feel the character and convey it truthfully.

Tips on how to improve my singing voice?

Practice as much as you can! Do Warmups look into voice lessons. The more you sing, the more you will improve!


Language: English