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I've never prepared sheet music for an accompanist before for an audition. Any tips on how to do so?

Find a good copy either online or at a music store and mark the part you will be singing clearly

Two musicals I keep hearing about are In The Heights and Spring Awakening. I don't really know too much about either, but I feel like a should. Do you know them? If so, what are they about?

Spring Awakening - it's about teenagers in 1891 Germany going through self discovery and learning about sexual desires
In the heights- the story about immigrant dreamers from Washington heights (great music)
Liked by: Daughter of Air

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audition song for belle in beauty and the beast? (: thank you!

Over the rainbow- Wizard of Oz
The Girl I Mean to be- Secret Garden
Hold On- Secret Garden
Part of Your World- Little Mermaid
Liked by: Hannah Taylor

This might be a dumb question, but what is Head Voice?

It's singing while using less air from your diaphragm. Generally used to hit higher notes. Sometimes sounds nasally. And no question is a dumb question!
Liked by: Hannah Taylor

I've heard a few people say that tone deaf is when you can't match pitch at all. I have a really hard time matching pitch on a piano and sight reading pitch. Does that mean I'm tone deaf? These people were laughing about tone deaf people and it made me feel kind of bad.

Ask a music director/choir/voice teacher to help you get better at these skills. Try recording yourself and listening to yourself sing and see how you sound. But don't let those people who were laughing get to you. What right do they have to say those things?

i have an audition for willy wonka jr in two weeks and im auditioning for willy wonka. i am a girl, soprano, while going into my 17th musical. is mama who bore me from spring awakening a good choice for an audition song? and if no do you have any suggestions? thank you!!

I would choose a song closer to the material you are auditioning for. Like from another kids show. Maybe something from seussical!

audition songs for Cinderella in Cinderella?

Look at other Rodgers and Hammerstein songs
I have confidence
My favorite things
Something good- sound of music
Wonderful guy- South Pacific
It might as well be spring- state fair

Thank you! My voice teacher doesn't like working on my belt too much and making my head voice stronger instead, and my biggest fear is hurting my voice practicing alone. Do you know if there's anything special I should do practicing my belt to prevent that, or is it the same as regular practice?

mary elizabeth
Work on different breathing techniques. you can find a lot online and I'm sure your teacher can recommend some! And your throat starts to hurt while your belting stop. Do not force anything. It could damage your voice.
Liked by: Teenage Thespians

I'm an alto 2 and I can hit soprano 1 notes and my belt used to cover half of soprano 2 notes, and I was trying to practice getting it up, but when I started voice lessons, my belt dropped to a g. I've been practicing to bring it up, but I haven't had much luck. Suggestions?

mary elizabeth
Keep practicing! Do some research and ask your voice teacher for help extending your range. Do vocal exercises in your break to make it stronger. Just be careful not to hurt your voice!

Do you like the show RENT? What's your favorite song from it?

It's never been my favorite but I LOVE Seasons of Love!

Opps, haha! I meant against love! Sorry about that.

I won't say I'm in love- Hercules is really the only anti-love song in thinking of right now (if that even counts) if any one out there has suggestions send them in!

What are some good belty songs? I like to sing songs that show off my belting, vibrato, and riffs! ^^

Look at anything sutton foster, Patti Lupone, Ethel merman, or any of the other belting queens sing!

Weird question, but what are some good sour love songs and/or anti-love songs from musicals for a soprano 2/mezzo?

Do you mean songs against love, or just not about love?


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