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I want to pursue theatre, but I'm a horrible actor. I can't get myself into a character and deliver my lines with depth. And during auditions when I have a monologue/cold read I just sound like I'm speaking, not acting. And I'm not confident. What all advice can u give me to be confident and better?

Stop telling yourself you're a terrible actor is the first step to boosting your confidence. When you are saying lines or doing a cold read, look for any signs of context that give you an idea of what the character is feeling. Then try to relate it to personal experiences hat have given you the same feeling. That will give your performance more depth.
As for confidence, I have been on a journey this summer to stop worrying about things and instead looking for things to boost my confidence. I've been collecting quotes to remember and seeing different opportunities as not ways to prove myself or be better than someone else, but to improve. Confidence is not proving you're better than others, it is walking into a room and not feeling the need to compare yourself to others!
Liked by: Jordan Taylor

I have an audition coming up, and we're supposed to sing one slow song and one upbeat song. Do you have any suggestions for an upbeat song I could sing? Preferably something with a little belt in it?

What is your range and what is the audition for?

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After every audition, the same feedback I always get is "listen to the piano". I know what it means, b/c every time I always sing too fast or slow & it's not synced with the piano. Even though I sing along perfectly w/ reordered piano at home, it's wrong at the audition. Any tips on how to fix this?

It might be because you are nervous. Take a deep breath and do the best you can. You should listen to the piano but also whine you are practicing at home find a good way for you to keep tempo. Whether it's tapping your foot or softly patting your side. Or try listening to the song with the words over and over, next sing along with it, then sing w/o words and finally sing it acapella. This might help you be able to keep tempo in your head by knowing the sing so well you can sing it right in tempo with or without accompaniment. :)

My theatre teacher told me that I'm a good singer, but she says when I belt I sound like I'm screaming. Do you have any advice for how to belt without sounding like I'm screaming?

Make sure your are not just singing loud. Belting needs to be supported by air coming from your diaphragm. When you sing imagine you are expanding your diaphragm. In other words, sing poking your belly out a little bit. If you do this, you should have power to your belt but not sound like you're screaming. :)
Liked by: Tenaj ♥ Brandi

I am looking for a good song in your opinion for a 15 year old soprano with little to no belt to sing at an audition for any female role (I'm mostly hoping for ensemble I just want to be in the show) in Oklahoma?

In my own little corner might work! It has a little belt but it's a really flexible song so you can choose what you want to do with it:)

Do you know where I can find the my most embarrassing moment monologue from shout the musical? :)

Hayley Proudlock
I would just google it and see what you find. That's how I look for monologues.

I'm auditioning for Miss Hannigan in Annie and I've no idea what song to use! I need an upbeat, Broadway-style song; unfortunately, such songs I know are out of my range/unfit for the role/overused. I'm almost 15, a girl, and an alto (who cannot yet belt). Any suggestions? Thanks! :)

The first songs that pop into my head are mother know best from tangled, or I Want the Good times back and Poor unfortunate souls from The Little Mermaid. I would also suggest That's Rich from Newsies but it does have some belting. The others do too but you may be able to pull it off!

What's a good audition song for Dorothy in Wizard of Oz?

I'm auditioning for Dorothy this summer too! I would suggest Home from beauty and the Beast, The Girl I Mean To Be from Secret Garden, or Part of your World from Little Mermaid.

Did Sierra really start dance in college? That's amazing cause I wanna play Christine but I don't have a lot of dance experience :/

I believe she said that in an interview. Please correct me if I am incorrect. But I am pretty positive it was her.

I have auditions for Sound of Music next season and I want to prepare early! I'm going for Liesl and I'll be 18 at the time of auditions. I'm a mezzo but I want to show off the soft and sweet soprano side of Liesl... What should I sing?

You could try
- in my own little corner
- I could have danced all night
- A change in me
- Over the Rainbow

So, I'm trying to begin early to find college auditions monologue material. As in, I want to read the play first , because thats recommended and pick. monologue for it. Any help with that?

The last two plays I read might have some good options! Check out Pygmalion, and The Glass Menagerie. Both will have some comedic as well as dramatic.

I have a passion for Musical Theatre. My strong suits are singing& acting, but I havent had really any professional dance experience. I mean I've been good at choreography in community musicals,but that's all. Will this lower my chance of getting into a MT program in college?Any other advice?thanks!

I actually have the same problem! Because of financial issues, I had to stop dance lessons when I was 7 or 8 and I never got back into it and I have often had the same problem as you! Do whatever you can to gain experience take lessons if you can but if you can't (like me) find tutorials on YouTube just make sure you do it correctly and don't hurt yourself! Keep doing shows that require you to dance to get experience. Also many colleges offer dance lessons at little charge for students so look into those as you enroll. Many MT programs still accept non-dancers! (Sierra Boggess didn't really start taking dance lessons until college!)

What's a good way to build confidence in my singing and acting

Experience. Nothing helps build confidence like time onstage. And lots and lots of practice!

As a career

Ok explain to your parents how much you love performing. Tell them how it makes you feel when you are on that stage. They might not understand at first and they will warn you the dangers of getting into such an unpredictable career. But if they see your passion for it they should learn to accept it. Pray about it and find the best possible option to keep both you and your parents happy.

Hi again, another q. Honestly I haven't told my parents about musical theatre. I assumed they'd figure it out eventually but I know that's not right. How can I bring it up? I'm afraid they won't approve, even though my mom paints and my dad plays guitar (as hobbies), but my stepdad isn't artsy.

What do you mean you haven't told them? Have you not told them you have an interest? Or that you want to pursue it as a career?

If I want to major in theatre, would it be better to get more experience by using my summer for theatre camps or community theatre productions? The community productions are easier for me because they don't cost, but I feel the professionalism of a theatre camp would do well for me.

Any experience you can get is good. And I believe both of your options would benefit you. If you think camp will prepare you professionally and you are willing to pay for it then do that but community theatre will prepare you too. I don't think choosing between you will affect you majoring in theatre.

What is the best thing to eat for breakfast?

Food. If you eat anything else that is unhealthy and you should see a doctor.

I have an audition soon and they said sing 16-32 bars of a song. I chose to do 32, but I'm not sure if it's too long. It goes on for about a minute in total. Should I sing 32 or try to cut it down to less?

If they said you could sing up to 32, that should be fine. I usually try to keep my audition songs to a minute. No more no less.

I have an audition coming up and I want to sing Blue Skies (written by Irving Berlin) from the musical Betsy by Rodgers and Hart. (not a well known show. It closed after only 39 performances) But the audition says the only songs I can sing are any broadway song. Does this song count? help!

If it was on Broadway, it should count!
Ps. Is it the same Blue Skies that is in White Christmas also by Irvin Berlin? If so, that show ran in broadway during the Christmas season a few years ago.


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