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What are some really belty female roles?

Pretty much anything sutton foster or patria lupone have played... Most musicals today have ALOT of belting! So it's hard to name a list
Liked by: Life Of Theatre

What's a musical you love that almost no one has heard of?

Secret Garden
And a lot of older musicals that some younger kids wouldn't know:
7 brides for 7 brothers
Easter Parade
Meet me in St Louis
Singin in the Rain
So many!

My friend needs a good song for a little recital! She is a second soprano usually. She's 17! Any thoughts?

Jane Santerre
Musical theatre song? Try looking on stage agent, they usually have a pretty good list of suggestions!
Liked by: Isabelle

What's the best concert you've ever been to?

Michael W. Smith and Amy Grant. AMAZING!
But my spring concert will be pretty great:)

Those songs did help, thank you! I'll have listen to the ones I'm not too familiar with. Thanks again! :D

You're very welcome!

Do you know any modern, non-belty mezzo-soprano 2 songs from musicals? I need options for songs to work on in my voice class, but I don't know where to start!

Most modern musicals are belting shows but here are a few (modern and older) you can try:
The Girl I Mean To Be- Secret Garden
Sound of Music
In My Life- Les Miserables
In My Own Little Corner- Cinderella
Beauty and the Beast
Most songs for mezzo's are belting songs so it's hard:/ I've had the same problem, but I hope this helps!
Liked by: Hannah Taylor

Can you give me some feedback on my voice? http://m.soundcloud.com/maddysmith98

Maddy Smith
You're very talented! The only thug I would work on is more breath support and the consistency of your vibrato. These are two things I struggle with too. Try some different breathing Exercises to get in the habit of breathing from your diaphragm. And for the vibrato some spots were spotty. You want each interval to be of equal length. But I only barely noticed that on you! Keep up the good work!
Liked by: Maddy Smith

Okay, stupid question but...lets say there's a musical with a good amount of dance but there's a particular character who doesn't dance. Will I still need dance training to play that character?

Dance training always helps in musical theatre. If it is a professional show I would say dance training might help you be cast but if it's community theatre or something, and the character doesn't dance I would say no.

So sorry my english. I mean, what aspects of Raoul do I have to know best for it to work out? Other than his character? Like, what voice techniques do I need to use for Raoul (so it sounds best etc). thanks!

Sing healthy. Raoul songs fairly high (for a guy) so look into different techniques that will help you sing high and healthy!

What do you do to survive tech week?

Lots of caffeine (just not when I'm singing), vitamin C, ricola, water, lots of food, prioritize (school). And get as much rest as I possibly can.
Liked by: Whitney

Do you ship Marius and Cosette or Marius and Eponine?

Marius doesn't deserve a girl like Eponine and Cosette just gets on my nerves. I ship Enjonine (enjorlas and Eponine)
Liked by: Isabelle

Though I know it's probably hard for me to get in, but I'm actually intending to audition for Raoul in phantom. Any ideas what aspects I need to know to audition for him well? Pardon my EL. Oops.

Get familiar with the character and do your best
Sorry if this doesn't help much, I didn't really understand the question:(

What songs do you reccommend NOT doing for an audition? Like, what songs are really overused?

Nothing from wicked
Nothing from les mis
Nothing from phantom of the opera
And be careful with using Disney songs, some are fine, but DONT sing part of your world!
Liked by: Hannah Taylor

What are your 10 favorite musicals?

In no particular order, les mis, phantom, newsies, wicked, matilda, singing in the rain, wizard of oz, Cinderella, sound of music, Easter boer
Liked by: Ereth Stark

I want to get a tattoo on my chest. What roles can I play with that? I'm a girl

It depends on the role and exactly where and how big the tattoo is. Many roles, you would be able to cover it up with your costume, unless your in something like cabaret or Chicago...


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