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What is the best way to deal with stress?

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My best way is to get out and go for a long ride like 100km or if at home listen to music or try to solve the problem that u are stressed about or talk to someone who can help you out with it
There is like no such way (best way) to deal with stress.
It depends on person to person and on their likes and dislike.
- Second stress does not occur in our body or gets into us. Instead we take stress ourselves by panicking, if in a hurry, nervousness, phobias and various other factors etc.
The only best way is not to stress out by finding something positive and good in anything and everything bad or negative.
Think towards the brighter side and positive outcomes even if it's 1% just think towards that side. Believe in yourself too.
do thinks you like or love doing (anything- could be food, shopping, talking, video games, sex etc etc) to divert your mind. All this will increase the level of happy hormone (Dopamine) in your brain leads to lowering the stress level in your body and brain.
- One more thing always keep yourself hydrated and take a good sleep it helps in proper brain functioning and increases the level of problem solving and thinking capacity of brain.
These are the ways to deal with em but there's no such calculated and precise method to deal with.
Think we even just feel relaxed and feel no stress at all by just sharing our problems with our mom or dad like just by sharing with em. No solution nothing and then also we are ready to go and hit it.😊 😇😊 😇

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you gotta talk it out, with your best friend or anyone from your family.
ask someone to be there with you at this time of need, eat foods that makes you feel good, even music helps a lot sometimes.
The best way to handle stress is Meditation.
10 minutes of mental stillness can change the rest of the day drastically.
And a quick and easy way is Stress balls. You can carry them with you everywhere.

Language: English