
Aisyah Arina

Ask @vagabondhearts

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If you were to move to another country, which will it be?

It would be Sydney, Australia. I've planned a future there. In shaa Allah I hope the plan goes well.
Liked by: UmAr Zia

Describe what a good friend means to you?

someome who replies to my texts, makes time to talk to me, doesn't break my trust, doesn't make me wonder what wrong I've done

Just ask him? I dont guys get upset by such unimportant thngs

Do you think he'll answer without deviating? or you know let his ego get in the way or something..

So tell me more? How is everything? How r u? How is he?

I think I upsetted him last night. I was watching a movie, my favourite, Mission Impossible 2 and I forgot to text him. I didn't actually forget him. that idiot has never left my mind but i had forgotten the part where I was supposed to text him at one am. and I only remembered when the movie ended and i was about to go to sleep. he says it isnt a big deal but I think he's upset over it. you know how people get offended or disheartened by the little details? I think this is one of those times.
what do you think I should do?

Its not rocket science. My friends have boyfriends. Ive seen how things go down.

Hence, the advices you give me, I assume? Thank you for those. I'll keep them in mind. Who knows, maybe one day they'll be put to use. But, let's hope not, shall we?

Im sorry arina. You're right. It isnt my problem. Ive never had a bf in ma life so I was just getting curious. I do have a lot of experience through my friends though. I hope you two remain happy. He is a very lucky guy. I hope I get lucky too one day.

you contradict yourself with your own words. you say you're curious because you've never had a boyfriend but you've actually had experiences through friends? you're not making sense.

What is bothering him? see. he is getting bored of you. told ya

I seriously do not know why you are so interested in my life. honestly please, butt out. what happens between me and him is not your problem. its not anyone's problem except mine and his.
since you're a girl maybe you should seduce him and make him leave me, since you're so very worried about what a player he is. it wouldn't be my loss if he does leave me. I trust for him to be faithful. I believe in the fact that he loves me and I give the same love in return. if he can't do so, I'm probably gonna be better off without him.
if he is tired of me, he should have the balls to say it to my face. if he is tired of me, he'll say it one day. but it's not today. I have trust IN him.
so, anon, I hope your questions in the near future won't be as stupid as this one.

I Thinkk i like your theory. Anyways tell me? How is everything?

everything is not ok. something is bothering him and for whatever reason, he refuses to let me know.

What? you love him and he calls you a friend? He definitely is a player. Do you call him a boyfriend? If he called you a gf?

The thing is, in this relationship, I'm the player. sort of. I don't like commitments and attachments. when we first met, I made it clear to him that even if I ever have a relationship, the guy would be considered a special friend. not a boyfriend. I think he emphasises the 'friend' part a lot mainly because he disagrees with my logic. to him, if the guy gets special treatment, he's technically a boyfriend.
also, my views have changed at some point in time. if he ever wants to call me his girlfriend, and simultaneously, label himself my boyfriend, I totally wouldn't mind at all. The thought of doesn't repulse me as it did a year ago.
what do you think?


Language: English