
Aisyah Arina

Ask @vagabondhearts

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Im starting to be jealous of you. Ive never had a boyfriend. Send his facebook id

I don't have a boyfriend either. he considers me a 'friend'. a special, special one.
no. I won't tell you who he is, anon.

Your answer shows you dont.trust him. On a scale of 10 how.much do you trust him?

I trust him enough to fall for him. I trust him enough until I spilled my secrets to him. I trust him enough. Probably more than is deemed appropriate or necessary.

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What do you do if you can’t sleep at night?

I think of scenarios that may never happen. scenarios that may only remain in my imagination

If you could live forever, would you want to?

there's no fun in living forever. why would I want that?

What do you consider your biggest failure at this point in life?

the inability to make my parents or anyone proud.

Nothing can make yi fall out of love? Believe me Arina, guys are jerks. He will betray you. That would maje you fall out of love.

well I'll just have to wait until he does that.
I'm pretty sure he won't. I'm just a friend to him anyways.
He's kind of a jerk actually but he's such a big ol softie. he'll never admit it but that's what he is

i doubt anyone can love anyone more that much in a long distance relationship. You will eventually find out that you dont love him. And if you do, how much do you love him? And im a girl. Hola!

thank god I didn't give you his picture then.
I love him enough to do crazy stuff just to meet him I guess.
Don't be so pessimistic. and besides, its my feelings. you don't have to be concerned.
I hardly think anything is going to make me fall out of love with him. I already love him too much.

Its not unfair. This is how it works. and wow. This guy must be a stunner. Can i see him? Like a picture? Or a blurred picture? anything? Does he love you back btw?

so that's how it works huh? okay up to you, anon.
no I don't want to let you have a picture. not even a blurred one.
He's got really pretty eyes. long eyelashes, nice stubble too and these kissable looking lips that just drive me nuts. and his hair. Yes that's the killer. that hair of his.
I don't know if you're a guy or a girl so you know you might fall for him too. and I'm not keen to let that happen. He's mine.
he said so. and I believe him.

Im a friend Arina. Your friend. you know me. But seriously? He calls you a bitch and an asshole? And youre still with him? you must be crazy. Cmon, you deserve better. And which country is he from? Is he a Muslim?

this is unfair don't you think? you know me yet I don't know you. and you call me a friend.
if you were my friend, you'd know who he is without having to ask.
and yes, I am crazy. I'm crazy for him. never thought I'd ever say that tbh. I've never even imagined myself falling in love.
as I said, if you really are my friend, you'd know who he is. He's from a Muslim country. and yes, he is a Muslim.

Dont you believe that is a weird answer? you call him a bitch and an asshole and you love him too? Why would he want to defend himself, what is he afraid of? did he tell you this? But please, tell me his name too???

just because the answer ticks you off or is not the norm, doesn't make it a weird answer. to me, everyone exists with two sides: the good and the bad. I love both sides of him. his imperfection is what I find fascinating and interesting. He calls me a bitch and an asshole yet he still makes time to talk to me eveyday. I'm just glad he makes the effort.
I don't know what he's afraid of, as I said, its something I don't know. everyone fears something. just takes time for us to admit it. and no, he hasn't told me his fears. but I'm pretty certain that he's someone who always questions his self worth.
why should I tell you HIS name? who do you think you are asking me all this?

Atleast tell something about him? please?

he's got a good heart despite his bitchiness. He's an asshole, giant one at that but I think that's just a defence mechanism of his. He's probably afraid of something. something that I don't know. He's won me over god knows how he did that but he's the first person whom I feel comfortable with.

I realised you said second best in the country and not in malaysia? Is he not from Malaysia? And you dont know the name of his school? WHAT IS HIS NAME?


I though you would take my name. Cmon tell me about him? Which school is he from? What is he doing? tell me his name?

I don't know who you are. why would I take your name?
He's got a fancy name, one that I find very classy. He's currently a minor. I don't know the name of his school but apparently its the second best school in his country, so I've been told.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I wouldn't really know. I'm a vagabond at heart. I don't think i want to stay in one place. I get bored very easily. But maybe when its with the right person, I'll settle anywhere available.

but its weird. Shouldnt you have a girl best friend?

None of my girl friends have ever actually taken the time to know me properly or deeply. I simply choose the person whom I've bared most of myself to. Even if it is one sided.

How do you know that you're in love?

easy. that person makes me happy, supports me, cares for me and despite the fights, every day I wake up and go to sleep, I still choose that person. because he takes me for who I am and I take him as he is.


Language: English