
Veronica Gopriel

Ask @veronicagopriel

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Do you guys have youth group this Tuesday coming up? I you guys do I'll try and go

You should come on Tuesdays! It would be really fun...then I could finally meet u!!!

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Whose more outgoing u or Stephanie?

Um it's actually Stephany, and for sure stef, I mean she can talk to anyone she wants to so if she doesn't talk to u it means she doesn't like you. Me I have to be forced by her to talk to someone. She was the one who helped me get a boyfriend :D she's kinda ask at first but if u let her open up, u should like her, me be cool and awesome, and we're cool

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

Stephany! she da bae! but she's worth more than that! :P

Can you like 30 of my answers for a gift please?<3 #Followed beautiful.x

Sure, hun! no prob! :P :D

Do I know you?

um, im stephany's friend, idk if u know her tho, uhhhh brown hair, well red now but, 5'5, skinny, sings in youth and girls choir, I've known her since 1st grade, and we go to church together on tuesdays...so probably not :)

Are antismoking ads effective?

They're just provoking kids into smoking even more, doesn't society know already that kids are more prone to do something when its advertised, they get curious...so what type of bs crap are they trying to do. If its bad for u they wouldn't want u to smoke it, so they would demolish the cigarette, but they don't, this is just like stets argument at school, she proved that all society wants is for your brain to slowly disintegrate so u don't understand what your doing anymore, they pass a law, and u don't care cuz ur probably smoking weed. Lol don't get me started, stephs brother gave us a BIG lecture! :P lol

Is that you in your profile picture?

Si, si senor, from like 2 years back, I'm completely different now, but you will just have to see me! :P

do u reg on оpishi dot me Veronica? cool stuff :D

Da fuck, rephrase the question...who is this, lol just inbox me. :)

When you go to a movie, do you like to sit in the back, middle, or front?

Well, stef and i sneak into movies so it depends! :) LOL

How do you cheer up a friend when they're feeling down?

for steph, daniel works really well, or ill group chat her with daniel, and that should solve the problem, but normally, she's uber happy, and always smiling! she's hard to describe tho


Language: English