
Veronica Gopriel

Latest answers from Veronica Gopriel

Do you guys have youth group this Tuesday coming up? I you guys do I'll try and go

You should come on Tuesdays! It would be really fun...then I could finally meet u!!!

Whose more outgoing u or Stephanie?

Um it's actually Stephany, and for sure stef, I mean she can talk to anyone she wants to so if she doesn't talk to u it means she doesn't like you. Me I have to be forced by her to talk to someone. She was the one who helped me get a boyfriend :D she's kinda ask at first but if u let her open up, u should like her, me be cool and awesome, and we're cool

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

Stephany! she da bae! but she's worth more than that! :P

Language: English