
Ronald Chiang

Ask @vicaffxtionate

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You don't have to insult me with your words, dear. If you don't want to say, then don't answer the question.

I'm pretty sure I've alr mentioned in my previous answers that I won't disclose it at least online and that if you rly wanted to know you could simply pm or sms me so it rly is your choice being this tiresome and stubborn
just stating some facts y'know if you can't handle the truth then that's your problem
Liked by: Keith Francis Wong

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how are your classmates in hcjc?

they're generally a bunch of really awesome, talented, eccentric, quirky and unique people but for specific descriptions you can see my past answers :)

I feel you with the treatment of CCAs....they prioritise results>passion :/ (why we train from 7-9). Don't let that get to you bro! You're a beast, go wreck A Div and prove your point :) #gofightwin

Jonathan Tan
thanks bro! you're a beast too like you're one of only two J1s to make the A Div squad omg so go on and win some pride back for floorball! :)

how is life in hwachong?

Frankly and honestly speaking, it's not easy at all. JC is an entirely new world for me. Be it the lecture/tutorials system, the highly independent and self-initiated nature of the school or even more trivial matters such as managing cliques and having female classmates for the first time in 10 years, coupled with the fact that I was never the brightest of students in the first place, the transition period has undoubtedly been a period of testing for me.
One thing that recently cropped back up to haunt me was that HCI was never my first choice. I had other schools that I wanted to go to and unfortunately HCI was never in my top 3. For those closer to me, you guys know it's because of bowling. In HCI, it was never a big problem as the PE dept actually encouraged athleticism, allowing anyone who was willing to put in their effort to train to represent the school regardless of results achieved. This allowed me to compete in the B and C Divs without any qualms, even having fun with my teammates in the process. However, in HCJC it is a completely different story. Where results are the be all and end all, it is tough being a student-athlete whose sport is not officially recognised by the school. In fact, bowling CCA was closed down just last year due to the lack of concrete results. Somehow being a seeded school just wasn't enough. Again, those closer to me know abt the "little" disagreements I had with the higher authorities. Up till now, just a couple of days before A Div, I still cannot fathom the ridiculously high standards that the school had set for the other bowlers who were willing and passionate abt representing the school, but denied the chance because a 170+ average was deemed "mediocre". Yet, despite all my despising, I am nevertheless thankful that I as an individual am still able to represent HCJC and I will make sure that I will do my best, fighting for myself and my teammates that were pushed away and prove my doubters wrong.
With all that said, all my displeasures and hardships are effectively nullified when I'm in the presence of all the friends I have made in HCI and HCJC for the past 4.5 years or so. When I'm with them, I temporarily forget all of my worries. I am allowed to let loose. I don't feel any tension or stress. Whenever I need to rant, there will always be someone who is willing to listen and let my emotions flow. As cliché as it may seem, without all these awesome friends that I have made, I would not be able to pull through this hell on earth and I am eternally grateful to all those who have been by my side through my ups and downs. In that aspect, I have never regretted coming to HCI and eventually choosing to stay on in HCJC.
Life in Hwa Chong is like a roller coaster - full of hugely varying ups and downs. While apprehension and displeasure might have overwhelmed me at the beginning, as the ride went on, it slowly became more enjoyable and fun. Regrets? Sure, but I can do nothing except suck it up.

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describe your friday lunch gang!!

Yi Xin - lao da (technically if you're going by birth dates ONLY), China background but questionable Chinese standards lmao, chem reexams aiyoh, mind super corrupted, shooter, 1/3 of the taekwondo black belt trio, 1/5 of the (insert sec 4 class here) gang, damn violent, got serious issues, phone no password one super easy to see her convos, super scandalous e.g. ler ler and some pri sch prefect hohoho
Mildred - skittles supplier, ghostly laugh like you cannot unhear it lol, super close with Yurong, national sailor siol, bright orange bag hurhur, has the earliest bedtime like wtf how do you even sleep at 10pm :O, that one time where she stayed awake until past midnight to complete hw and turned up to sch the next day more than half dead and giving less than 0 shits, that other time where we queued up at Padang until 1+ and she was just draping over the barricades and not making any sound as if her soul left her body, 1/5 of the (insert sec 4 class here) gang
Sabrina - POP dance partner, responsible geog rep siol, always pushing us to eat faster so that we can go for geog lectures on time (which we always end up being the earliest class despite only constantly walking back to sch at 1.50pm+ hoho), the main one responsible of nagging Ming Wei to focus on his lunch so that he can eat faster, 1/3 of the taekwondo black belt trio, continuing the taekwondo legacy by taking it up as a CCA, 1/5 of the (insert sec 4 class here) gang
Allyson - always laughs so audibly at my facial expressions whenever I eat sour candies :(, AV zaikia, 1/2 of the photography duo, seems to be heavily involved on huang cheng, so done with the Chinese teacher's shit that she eventually decided to drop H1 (good choice btw), always wears this wrist support thingy, apparently damn clean and innocent but no one knows for sure whether it's a facade or not hurhur, 1/3 of the taekwondo black belt trio, 1/5 of the (insert sec 4 class here) gang
Kai Lin - another scandalous one, Kai^2 hohoho, always the subject of teasing by Frederick and to a lesser extent myself, also was Frederick's dance partner for POP cos she was the only girl who's shorter than him HAHA, 1/2 of the photography duo, has a knack for capturing unglams and UPLOADING THEM ONTO FB, takes bus 74 too gg that's her loss, 1/5 of the (insert sec 4 class here) gang

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describe your friday lunch gang!!

Ming Wei - 1/3 of the average guys gang, CT rep material, damn smart cos 1.7 MSG and pseudo-iSparkian, *trips over stairs* *trips over flat ground* *trips over own foot*, ex-badminton god turned floorball god, gossip king, has.... a questionable sexuality hurhurhur, bus buddies WHO SOMEHOW ALWAYS GETS ON THE BUS EARLIER THAN ME :(
Chik Him - always carries a laptop bag with him, econs god, maths god, chem god, currently in a heated tussle with Christopher over the title of academics god, 1/2 of the OSA material duo, smooth talker who has a unique way with his words, never gives chance, DO NOT SIT NEXT TO HIM DURING A TEST COS HE'LL MAKE YOU FEEL DEPRESSED
Louis - idk how many times I've described this huge (literally) faggot (also literally) so if you wanna see a more complete description try stalking my older answers, openly rich but blatantly denies it, welfare rep, super involved with HACAS, apparently didn't wanna join ELDDFS cos got me :(, 1/2 of the current affairs duo
Christopher - THE TRUE GOD, econs god, maths god, chem god, geog god, currently in a heated tussle with Chik Him over the title of academics god, 1/2 of the OSA material duo, always finds loopholes and fallacies in many statements and/or policies that the sch/teachers put forth, 1/2 of the current affairs duo, DO NOT SIT NEXT TO HIM DURING A TEST COS NOT ONLY WILL HE MAKE YOU FEEL DEPRESSED YOU'LL ACTUALLY CRY AND FEEL LIKE JUMPING OFF THE CLOCK TOWER
Frederick - 1/3 of the average guys gang, <1.6m, kingbrows that can be plucked and woven into industrial strength ropes that can even be used for rock climbing, buff upper body but shit lower body, can jump from one clique to another, game incredibly strong like wtf how'd you know so many girls in sch, super high profile, councillor siol, extremely loud like his whispering is my shouting and I'm alr considered one of the louder ones, has his moments of retardness, THT hohoho

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describe meh meh

this one ah
from eh pun oh
not just a ball of energy probably a whole planet of energy
naturally high
red bull induced craziness is no joke
*sees cloud* "oooh it looks like a hand!" "wah that one looks like SG" "now it looks like a meh meh!"
*accidentally starts laughing on one entire stretch of the queue*
*makes mildred laugh along*
*attracts intense stares of disapproval from public*
and it only takes 3 sips gg imagine if we gave her a whole can
frosted flakes
frooty loops
special k + raisins (?)
unhealthy obsession with cereal like srsly pls eat some proper meals
MAD modern dancer/beast
quite passionate as can be seen from her tweets and insta pics
always turns around to find her gang in my class during lectures in the same venue
pangseh her class to sit with her gang
wan fyte juz say
according to yi xin "but she no brain what"
orange bag ayyyyyyyyy
sleep quite late one cos hw hahaha same same
actually now that I think abt it how did I get to know her ah is it cos I too friendly liao
jk very friendly and outgoing lah
easy to talk with/to
everyone make friends with her plz (actually don't you'll regret) ((jk)) (((but srsly do it at your own risk)))

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very white
nah actually Indonesian
tried to get a tan but became white again in a couple of days
this one time he got sunburnt and all we did was to rub his skin and watch him squirm and scream in pain
American wannabe
us: "why do you like America?" DTS: "because America is good" #murica
hated sean with a burning passion
full on bully mode against him what a fgt
but always got rekt by shamus/the whole class in general karma bitch
hated Chinese ppl and Asia in general with elmer loh lol fucking retarded sia
girl game strong
talks to multiple chicks at once
too bad no one notices him
it was so bad even our Chinese teacher ignored him on multiple occasions
activates invisibility cloak by twirling his hair
emma stone siol
yuri siol
girls siol
HS SMTP niao
chem gate niao
has a Korean name what a beast
NPCC beast
taekwondo black belt wtf why still look so sissy one
ok lah actually quite decent and smart
but still very white
2O1'12 :D

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Liked by: DAVID


hmmm I describe before why they nvr post
ok here goes (again)
first impression: guai and quiet kid who keeps to herself
nvr talk a lot during the first two (?) days
takes a weird hybrid combi (LPME???)
then saizeriya came along and her rep (??) went down the drain
tied a sch mate to a tree IN PRI 1
always fight with the other class IN PRI 1
wah this one quite violent
got gang
bully teacher in NYGH
make teacher cry wtf
quite sick minded also cue tea party and all the abbreviations
rich sia stay in bungalow
quite a rebel also
father confiscates phone, steals it back when he's sleeping
got locked out of home cos spent too much time whatsapping
which reminds me she quite pimp also
always only hang out with the guys in her class
that one time that her phone batt ran out during OG CNY gathering whatsapping someone ;))))))
actually quite kind and supportive lah
wished me well for comps
very easy and friendly to talk to
OG7 :D

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