
Cheng Seong

Ask @EquinoxZX

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Do you pick and choose your friends?

Everyone's a friend until they do something that breaks that friendship

how's life

Kinda terrible, really exhausted myself over the holidays, and it feels like it's gonna get worse from here

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What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

"damn, I'll actually have nothing to do at home today"

Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

Act spontaneously, i feel like things are more fun that way, probably pisses a lot of people off though

What's the most important lesson you've learned in life?

The outcomes that you wish for may not necessarily be the best ones

Do you like Ling Ern?

enough to write her a card on her birthday, not enough to make it half decent haha

Describe the HP boys and girls you know

Isaac - Teammates for almost 4 1/2 years, passionate about training, cool guy, super funny with his sarcasm, always gling people with his witty comments
Josea - Sings pretty well, always gling me about ships, dont really know him that well, hope to bump into him more often
Josiah - Secondary 1-2 classmates, really fun guy, trustworthy, buff, shorter than my description of him
Kean - Super funny senior, the only white guy in softball, really good at imitating people, hope he doesnt screw up his A levels
Ling Ern - OG mates, always fun to be around and talk to, forever overthinking stuff, described before
Nicole - also OG mates, really talented at writing poetry, another one trying to sail ships, also dont really know her that well, didnt get to talk to her much during orientation, hope we get to talk more often
Hope i didnt miss anybody out. There are also people from HP that i know exist, but i havent really interacted with them yet so im not describing them.

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How do you know that you're in love?

When you see her smile, all your troubles seem to fade away. Every moment is spent thinking of her, worrying about her, just longing to see her or hear her voice. It's quite the annoying, yet really comforting feeling
Liked by: elton Joe Goh

Is love complicated? Why?

It's as complicated as you want it to be. It can be a whole load of mess, or something that develops naturally.

What's your currently favorite show on TV?

Dont watch TV, so... favourite TV show is probably the flash


Language: English