
Joe Goh

Ask @zeljian44

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It's World Gratitude Day! What's something you're grateful for?

God, a complete family, several close friends, a chance to be in band and make music, a wonderful girlfriend <3, and a generally comfortable academic lifestyle :)

What do you wish you'd had time to do this summer?

master more piano pieces, hang out with loved ones more often, improve general knowledge skills at my own pace, read, arrange music
Liked by: Tan Xue Feng

Is there anything you care less about as you have grown up? What is it?

school results. it will only be an insignificant part of your life later on, and I think its supposed to be "as you grow up" :).

What was your first concert? No matter how embarrassing - let's hear it.

idk this is not a concert but actl a performance like I was dressed up as a cat with whiskers and a tail and makeup and everything when I was in K2 as a graduation perf I think and it was so traumatizing back then omg and I was just crawling on the stage looking and feeling freaking frightened so I was just crawling around in a small circle refusing to look at anyone except my parents yea shyt can laugh at it now though hahaha
Liked by: Tan Xue Feng agatha

If you could control nature, which element would you choose? Why?

Found everywhere in at least one of the 3 states and it is the most versatile.

What's the most important lesson you've learned in life?

Being optimistic is key to living a fulfilling life. The people who stay in your life may change, your grades may change, your fortune, luck and wealth may change, all for the worse, your life can literally be a series of unfortunate events. But if your ATTITUDE of optimism doesn't change, it is as though nothing had changed. :)


Language: English