
Viraat $olanki

Ask @viraatsolanki28

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Hey! You think your writing skills and vocabulary are awesome? Then watch this video and review it in the comments section of the YouTube video. The Top 10 reviews get Zara vouchers worth Rs. 4000 each. WATCH NOW: https://youtu.be/aAk64EaTpZE

Thanks for d video..It was Nice and inspiring.!
And yaa I dont need thAt voucher coz video is worth it..!
Maybe u could untick?
Liked by: Eisha

It's Relaxation Day. How will you unwind?

So I mean when its 4th of july ask.fm goes all OMG ITS 4Th of JulYYY...!!!111..!!!!
But when,its independance day in india
You lil.shitwipes decide to make ques about some shit relaxation day.
This is why aliens wont talk to Us I swear to God.
Go inhale jesus or something

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It's Friendship Day! How do you cheer your best friend up when they're sad?

I woke up to an amazing mesaage from my bestfriend ,thats all I needed today

If you could travel the world with only one person who would you take?

Not one..but two.!
Aishwarya and sagarika

I'm trying to reach 75k likes .can you please help me in giving 20 likes( incl my top 2 answers) I'll to return 20 likes #nohates #stayblessed #nooffence and your answers are awesome like you :). @pavi9642

Stay blessed..!
Good Luck
Liked by: L A E Z Y B O N E

If you could be a superhero, who would you be?

I would be Kidness.
Fly upto people feeling down or sad or
Anything confusing,take their hand and go for a ride,grab some ice cream or whatever said person is craving and just fly.sit for a while on a hill or something,stare down to everything and talking bout whatks bothering him while licking ice cream.
Because mental ilnees can be a pain in the ass and no one feels to deserve that way.
So,yes kidness!

What do you think it would be like to live life as a bird?

I would get question Like
'Likers get bird poop'
'Likers get nest rating'
And all that shit.

If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?

1.The Notebook Ruble gave me
2.The watch My brother gifted me
3.Dadu'$ Framed Photograph
4.My Phone And Charger
5.Good speedy af internet

Do you remember life without technology? What was it like?

I wasn'T born then but it must really suck to actually WALK UP to a girl and ask her "pap in crop top plzz??"


Language: English