

Ask @vivamore92

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What do you most enjoy about your 'Revival' tour so far?

Of course the tour in itself is all kinds of fun, and something that I love doing, and something that I really missed doing. Aside from that, it's you guys! All the energy and good vibes from all my wonderful and supportive fans really is just this indescribable feeling that I'm so blessed to experience. Seeing all your faces in person and meeting you guys is just more than incredible, and I thank God everyday for my life, and for you guys.

Do you know when you will tour in Tampa Fl? I really want to meet you. It's my dream that I want to meet you. I always loved your music and your performances. Is it true that you were dating Niall, or was the media lieing about that? You don't have to answer the second question. I want u to be happy

I'm actually not visiting Tampa for the tour, but I will be in Orlando, as well as Miami! I'll be in Orlando on June 10, and Miami on June 11. Hope to see you there, lots of love for you always. :)

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Can you tour in Tampa, Florida please and have a meet and greet???? How is life going? Will you get back together with Justin Bieber or no? If that question is personal, than you don't have to answer it unless you want too. All I want is for u to be happy, that is it. Your fans love you Selena.

I'd love to come to Tampa and see you all!! Life has been wonderful, but busy with finishing up Jingle Ball and promoting my new singles and new album. I can't tell you what the future holds, but for now, no, Justin and I will not be getting back together anytime soon. I just want both of us to be happy, though we are on good terms. I love y'all more than you'll ever know. Lots of love. xo

Do you think that youngsters should get into Hollywood/Showbiz? Why or why not?

Yes and no. It's much harder to keep yourself grounded in the business, especially at a younger age but I guess it would be hypocritical of me to say no since I did start acting at a very young age.
But if its your dream, go for it. :) But the important thing is to find people who can tell you when you've taken
it a notch too far and will keep you down to earth.
And yes, that answer is exactly from @selgomez's (http://ask.fm/SelGomez/answer/55976789617), but it is my answer. SelGomez used to be my account and I was hacked and I don't really care enough to get it back.


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