
Yvonne Chua

Ask @vonnechua

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What's the last text msg you received?

i briefly looked at my latest text w/o opening it. I infer that it's some gossipy piece of news my friend is telling me haha!

What if you woke up one day, in the bed of another man totally naked. What would be your first thought?

I've sinned.

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Do you think singapore job market recognition degree Certification Murdoch university in Australia Perth. cause my school start on 22Feb 16 course fee is $20,000 pay in cash /cheque. double major course i took Hospitality &Tourism management &Human Resources management double course

Shannon Micheal
i think i get your question. My opinion is that most of the bigger companies will look at the universities you graduated from, but smaller companies usually will still recognize private degree!

Im actually from the same course as u.. soh. Can i apply for a job in the company u working in with my diploma? Or do i need more experience?

it doesnt work exactly this way of what you've envisioned i think.. Haha, anyway right now the opening is only for IT executives! :)

Cny is here. Why do some girls dress up for cny like how they dress up to go clubbing? :p

idkkk you ask them, i've just been sick all CNYYYY

Do think taking a Bachelor’s degreeswill be hard for exam, i going for Register next wed i Think it will be tough life for me, i think Have Spend more time in studying then working

Shannon Micheal
Work and study at the same time is definitely not an easy route! Either no sleep or no friends/relationship.
But better learning than sitting around being bored! :)

How you tell your parents about the staycation / vacation with the bf only? Or did you not mention it? How they approve?

I'd just inform actually, I'm an adult afterall, haha! So not much issue there :)

Ahh, IT Exec & chauffeur then won't really be my path. Since I'm majoring in business would prefer to go towards this, haha. Thanks :)


ahhhhh. i saw an earlier question jie jie. so diploma is stepping stone only. okaes!!!! but bank..wahhhh i also want to try working there.....

Haha, sure, go ahead. Gaining experience's good :)

wahhhhh. how to work in 2 banks. with SOH diploma??? -RP junior

I've worked at a retail and private bank before, but as entry level positions. Currently not working in a bank, to clarify. Haha

Can you recommend good facials?

not really, I dont actually go to facials. Tried once or twice but no regular ones!

What's the worst date of your life?

Can't recall any recently. If I must, from the top of my head it'd be YEARS ago. Some guy says before gg home insists must wash hair first, so go open hotel. I wanted to wait downstairs but he says go on up, so okay whatever. Of course tried to be funny, but nope no go~ He acted to be mildly offended for the pressure effect then tell me want to go then fine, went to bath.
I took a $50 from his wallet and cabbed home then. Tada

Is your company currently hiring? Since you're a HR manager, this question seem relevant for me to ask.

Haha, of course its relevant.
Yes, we are looking for IT Executive and Personal Chauffeur.

Haha is it normal for us gals to direct our bfs to go down on us? I thought they will do it automatically once they have reached 3rd base.


Is there a difference for the gal in terms of pleasure when the bf wear or does not wear a condom? I know all guys would prefer no condom coz more shiok for them


We guys love it that our gfs are clean and shaven down there during our cheeky times, but how come not all gfs like their bfs to be shaven done there? Some prefer neatly trimmed coz if not they look like babies when it's clean and shaven lol


All guys love receiving oral from their gfs. It will drive us crazy and like high on drugs! Does it has the same effect on you ladies? Coz my gf don't really enjoy it that much. Or is it just me? Any advice?

haha! Maybe it's you/her preferences then!
I'd advise you to just ask for feedback or if it's okay etc, make sure to let her know her answers won't bruise your ego too!

What's your greatest worry as a woman?

As a woman.. My greatest worry would be getting complacent; then losing my self-sufficiency and being overly-dependent on someone in terms of finances, lifestyle and habits.


Language: English