
Yvonne Chua

Ask @vonnechua

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What will you do....if you are given three months off??

Am I paid for the 3 months? Then go to Venice. And take up some classes when I'm back Not saying what though hahaha embarrassing imo
Liked by: Michael Warming

Your ask fm profile picure is STUNNING You look like an ANGEL ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Wa hahaha, thanks :)

Hello!! Do you use highlighting color for the inner rim of your eyes? If so what do you use? Been trying to find one, but can't find a good inner rim highlighter :(

Occasionally, I just use 3CE contour compact powder and use the highlighting powder! Glittery shadows will just fade and get all over my face. So I avoid. I think étude house got a huge range for these those, not bad :)

If i see you on the street, would you mind me saying hi and exchanging numbers?

feel free to say hi, but i havent gave my number till date though hahaha

Hi can I ask you did normal eyebrow emboriary right? Can you post a close up photo of how your eyebrows look? Thanks

see my fb. I posted one of my eyeliner embroidery, eyebrow is in frame as well!

what do you do if the leather on your bag starts flaking off?

let it go~~~ let it go~~~~ Unless it's luxury goods, then take it for repairs! Prolly costs you a few hundreds though!

Do you agree that working as a salaried worker will not get you extremely rich compared to portfolio income?

to a certain extent. These terms are too generic to be definite. There can be lousy investors or sales person, compared to forsay, a GM/Director. Or a SME owner can make himself a salaried worker technically, and he may be earning more in that case. It really depends on individual!

What body corset are you using? (:

I was introduced to one that's from triumph. Dont get those just stretchy only, get with the clasps/hooks so there's the soft bone to support your body posture :)
Sorry 7 days late i was considering just gg off askfm completely alrdy hahaha getting bored of it

Hi yvonne. Don't bother about that person. I've seen you outside before, and I think youre prettier in person, dont be affected if you are okay, rest well! <3

Hahaha no la it depends. I only take photographs when I'm in proper full fledge made up and blown hair mode. Otherwise if caught in sloppy heck care make up mode outside would def pale in comparison to photos. :)
But then again shouldn't matter as long as I get to be comfortable haha! Thanks resting now :)

hi yvonne i think you're really pretty and all ! i think u're overall a very nice person as well (: i'm no hater nor lover i just sorta know u thru fb !so yup i read thru ur askfm and i dk if u will be angry but i think your makeup is really alitle thick ! u look good w/o them babe (:

Hahaha hi Fb frienddddd I go light and dark on diff occasions, thanks anyway :)

What do you look in for a guy? Like I mean what do you look at when you first see him?

Oh. First sight huh. I'd look at the facial features :)

Fei ren leh. Wanna 'shoot' ppl, hello use identity can. Nothing better in the life to do but to seek joy hating on people she doesn't even know and stalk your photos and life trying to 'expose'. It's not like you lie about anything also zzz crazy dog barking. Woof

Hahaha nevermind la just don't bother. Thank you :)

Why ppl so jealous you post photo also want to huan lo to satisfy some empty void in their heart, must be some crazy bitter bodoh that photo apps also cannot beautify

Hahaha ignore. There's no point. It's okay!

What do you think of girls who use photo apps to edit their pictures? Especially those who 'deepen' and 'brighten' their cleavage just to make it more obvious? And oh, also, those who put on 'fake bottom and top eyelashes' using the photo apps?

Utterly normal for girls to use photo apps for editorial purposes. Practically ALL girls use photo apps. I put top and bottom lashes w them too, like I said below before, it's fun to play w the diff lashes. I'd brighten my face my hair, entire top half of my body if it's selfie, entire body down to legs if it's a full body shot to bring focus away from background.
Good try spamming me a bunch of passive-aggressive 'questions' in the middle of the night though. Don't understd how it makes you feel 'empowered' to be an anonymous and trying to make people feel terrible about themselves. I can safely say I've NEVER once been such a coward and anonymously 'confront' another or spam hate. Have a nice life :)

heard u had sex with ur ex bf at a stadium???

LOL, another one of your spam.
But if that's true, then kudos to me.

Hi, I'm in a job that I rly rly hate. I hate the people, the job itself, my boss.. just everything. But I am unable to quit because I have financial issues that I have to manage and I'm afraid that I won't be able to pick another job in time if I quit now. How can I love my job that i have now?

you cannot.
How is it living when you hate what youre doing, why not source for other job openings while working? When you secure one then quit if you want to play safe :)


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