
Windi Wuisan

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Cc klo ngupil pake tangan kanan/kirii?

tergantung. kalo lubang hidung kiri pake jari sebelah kiri, lubang hidung kanan pake jari sebelah kanan.

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Kamu kan putih, klo dpt pacar kulitnya item gmn?

aku gak putih lo :) kulitku aslinya coklat, emang dasarnya putih. tapi sengaja aku coklatin. tapi kalo cowo item gak mau :) kayaknya dekil banget :( kalo coklat, im okay. i love exotic skin. ala ala neymar gitu deh ;)

chelsea umur 22 dah di lamar. km abis gini 21.gimana tu??

LAH TERUS AKU KUDU PIYE MBAK? masak aku harus melakukan ritual shuffle sambil kayang agar dapet pacar :')

i m a fan of neymar too, tbh. i like him he's funny,he likes to joke around and dances.yes i think messi is different but from what i see from the first time i supported him (years ago) till now, he also likes to smile and is nice to fans hehehe oh ya, from what i know, neymar alr broke up w/ his gf

hahaha really? if im not mistaken, neymar still got bru's pictures in his instagram :)
Liked by: athaliagracia

iya ce you said he only smiles when he scores or does a mistake. but it's not truuuee. you should watch the training session and barca or argentina matches more and trust me, he likes to smile a lot

actually i always love to watch funny things football players do or the interview session. but its really hard to find messi one. i already look up the training season, and from what i see, messi is an introvert person. he doesn't smile a lot :) he's comfortable with he's team mate. but you know, i personally think neymar is the person that more lighten up a situation. if you think messi smile a lot, then good for him then. he should, cause it makes a good impression for his fans ;)

ce how can you say messi only smiles when he scores?

i said messi only smile when he scored or did a mistake. i know he's a shy person, but he should smile more often. many people look up at him right? unlike neymar, i admire him because he always bring fun attitude to a game :)

Balotelli juga ganteng lho, kamu suka gak? Wkwkwkwk...

wkwkwk balotelli lucu lo. i admire him. he always do funny and unexpected things. he brings laughter to a serious game :))

Seandainya tiba2 kmu ketemu neymar trus di lamar mw gakk??

seandainya ini terjadi, saya akan pengsan duluan sebelum di tanya.

Kalo lagi di sby boleh ktmu gak ci?

boleh aja sebenernya. tapi biasanya aku balik cuma sebentar, jadi biasanya keluar sama keluarga. tapi, kalo gak sengaja ketemu aku, sapa aja gpp :)

Km knp demen neymar sih? Padahal El Shaarawy jg keren lho

hahaha believe it or not, its like fall in love at the first sight. ehm no, second sight. because at the first i was like : oh wow. then just to make sure, i look up on google. and that's where the craziness start.
kalo alasannya sih banyak ya. but i'm more into him than el sharawy.
- he's good at what he's doing. i mean, look at him. he's only 21 when he first time in barca. people doubted him. barca got messi, puyol and other good players. he's good, but in range of santos. we're talking about barca here. but he prove it wrong. he can play with the stars. he is the star
- saat semua orang nyela dia : "divers" "suka diving", dll. dia 'mau berubah' untuk lebih baik lagi. have you seen the ecuador friendly match with brazil? he's been fouled many times, yet he got up and shook the rival hand. he's not even ask for penalty or anything. di umur segitu dengan popularitas dan skill kayak gitu, jarang ada orang mau untuk berubah dan mengakui kesalahan
- you can see when he plays, it comes naturally to him between his feet and the ball. its like, its meant to be. and he always smiling. like grateful with what he have. i mean i know that messi is introvert and a great player, but sometimes he need to smile more. he only smiling when he scored or did a mistake. unlike neymar, he seems so grounded
- i knew brazil beaten up 7-1 in world cup. but outside of the match is the real question. i think the first thing that important in sport is to unite people and make others happy. and brazil team did a pretty good job at it. especially neymar. he always made his fans happy. like when a child ran off the field and caught, he went to take the child and took some pictures with him. you may say "ah pencitraan" "cuma foto aja lo. ronaldo juga sering". coba liat video'nya, setim brazil pada gendong anak itu. keliatannya kecil, tapi impact yang dia kasih ke anak itu akan anak itu inget selalu
- talking about his personal life, di umur 19 dia mampu bertanggung jawab. he's loyal to his girlfriend also. he loves his family. he's mature even he's so young
- banyak la yang buat aku suka. only good looks cant make a legend ;)

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kalo buat jalan2 shopping gt dimana plg enak? bukit bintang? and yg foodcourt enak2 or resto enak?

pavilion, sungei wang itu di bukit bintang :) klcc kalo maek taxi cari aja yang pake meter. yang warna merah, jangan biru. biru itu taxi executive. paling nanti cuma bayar 10ringgit :)
food court malay sih sama kayak spore. kalo mau cobain dragon-i itu kayak chinese food, tapi enak banget. madam kwan cobain nasi lemak'nya. itu di pavilion. tapi favoritku sih chilis :) ada di klcc. menu'nya lebih lengkap disini dari spore dan harganya 50% lebih murah dari sgp :))
Liked by: ig: sugasugarrr

recommend places di KL dong

buat apa dulu? i mean kalo untuk shopping you can go to pavilion&klcc (all the branded stuffs available there), sungei wang, midvalley, one utama. for trying dessert, you have to search up. because KL got a lot of cafe that you have to try. go to publika square. they have a lot of good places to full your stomach. try penang fried rice or kwetiaw (i dont know if i spell it right) and i'm a little bit nerdy inside so i will suggest you to try science fair in KLCC. that place is sick. and if you like theme park, you can try berjaya times square. they have indoor theme park. so don't be so shocked when a roller coaster is just above you when you walking by.
Liked by: ig: sugasugarrr

pap boobs please

pap penis please :)
its not nice right to be asked to post something private from your body?
your private things supposed to stay hidden. only your wife/husband that can see it. if you want to see mine, marry me. oh but never mind...... i'm not going to marry a brainless dickhead like you :)
Liked by: ericachristy

Jadi cc nyari yg bener2 perfect&romantis??kyak di film2 lakan ce wkowkwkwk

earth to you... this is reality not a john green's book or nicholas spark's movie
gak ada yang bilang mau romantis kayak di film-film. gak ada cowo yang bakal se sweet di film-film. mereka karakter fiksi, ini manusia realistis. gak ada yang namanya bakal nari-nari dan tidur di jalan kayak the notebook. i bet if my boyfriend ask me to do that in front of my house, tomorrow morning both of us will died cause a car will hit us. gak ada orang yang bakal ngajak kamu kissing in the rain. you will be sick the tomorrow morning. gak akan ada yang bakal granting your wishes nemuin kamu sama pengarang buku favorite'mu hanya karena dia cinta. geez, life is not a wish granting factory. romantis di dunia nyata itu gak muluk. cuma minta dia inget tanggal jadian, hug us when we cry, bring us food and ice cream in our period days, losing an argument just because don't want to see us upset. that is realistic.

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lho jadi skrg kuliah di dua tempat?

technically yes. but my business school is in surabaya, so now i just take a break for a while. to pursue my other passion. beside its only 6 months. and i will continue it on december. therefore i will finished it next year on february.

Ce aku bngung.aku kadang suka questions cc,bukan kepo tp pingin blajar.cc kyak mature gitu.aku pingin curhat tp malu klo di ask fm nnti ketahuan.di line juga nnti cc tw aku :p yapa ya?

hmm, email me maybe?
you can create one email. its free and easy. i'll be happy to help you. my email is : windiblog@yahoo.com

Tapi lo ce pasti ada la orng xg dketin cc. gakk mungkin gak ada to?? nah, trus knapa cc kok msih pengen single?

i'm not denying anything. iya ada, tapi enggak dulu. relationship is not no 1 priority in my life, for now.
-on november 2014, i'll be graduated as a pastry chef
-on february 2015, i'll be graduated from my business school
it means, my parents responsibility for giving me high education is done. they still have 4 children to fight for.
sadly, i'm not 17 anymore. i can't hop out from a relationship to a relationship. i don't have time anymore. to me, i just have one shot to find the perfect one for me. i'm not planning to be married on 27 or 20 and oh so late. i just have to wait and make it right. beside, i have bigger responsibility as a human being. i have to work my ass off now. i can't longer depends to my parents. they're not going to live forever. so, yeah, i better be prepare for my future now rather than regrets everything that happens in the future :)

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