
Windi Wuisan

Ask @windiwuisan

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Prnh berambut pendek gak? Klo ada, pap dong, hehe

pernah. dari sd sampe sma kelas 1. tapi dah gak ada foto'nya :((

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Ce love ur eyebrow.Whats eyebrow tinting?Mind to explain?

thank you so much :))
you read my path, didn't you? ;)
okay jadi pertama aku made an appointment first with eyebrow expert.mereka saranin aku untuk eyebrow waxing first,karna biasanya eyebrow'ku di shaving jadi kurang rapi.so, di rapiin dulu. gak sakit sih, sakitnya waktu di pluck :(
and then, mereka jalanin eyebrow tinting. semacam eyebrow'mu di kasih warna, di isi supaya fuller :) dan supaya gak perlu tato, walopun cuma tahan 1 bulan, at least kamu gak perlu tato karna kamu bisa ganti shape semau'mu :)) semuanya butuh waktu sekitar 50menit. ini waktu belum di tinting, baru di shape aja.

aku pikir cece orange sombong ternyata gak ya cece asik pemikirannya cece juga dewasa banget pasti klo aku sering share ke cece banyak hal positif yang aku dapetin deh ({})

Luh Vicky Putri Derline
amin. semoga bisa membantu walopun cuma curhat. hehe
cause i just read so much hate in your profile, and no one deserve it :)) jangan di peduliin deh. biar capek2 sendiri.

Pap whats front of you

just done shopping! and i'm so happy. you guys should come to Malaysia. they're having Annual Sale, and almost all brand giving like up to 70% discount. just 300RM and i can have like 9-10 types of items from forever 21, charles&keith, h&m, guess, etc. and the best part, it still available until July! woot woot~

yaass thankss windy, ive told my mom that i still 20 and i dont wnt to married dulu but my mom ngotot bgt :s thanks anywayy u are helpfull!

yes! you should stand up for your happiness. its your choice ;)) no problem. happy to help you.

windyy, i'm 20&my mom mau aku nikah sm anak temennya, tp ak ngga cinta dia ci. pernh skli ketemu gt dia such a perf guy tapi dia nakal bgt ci, bknnya ngejudge dia dr nakalnya doang tp masa ak br tau dia 2 bln eh ada cewek ngaku2 hamil anak dia, ak uda tny dia tp dia blg nggak. what should i do? :(

hi whoever you are. i don't know what to tell you honestly, cause i never been in your position.i afraid, i will give you wrong suggestion. but,pretend that i'm your friend who just talk heart to heart. here is a thing : ignore your mother firstly, and ask your heart. "does he love you? does he make you smile? does he knows your flaws? does he knows your favorite movie? does he knows your favorite food?" if he loves you, or have a desire to know you, then he already open his heart for you. but if he careless, he won't make an effort to know you. simple'nya gini. nikah itu sekali, kalo bisa selamanya. karna kamu vow di depan Tuhan, bukan di depan manusia. jadi jangan karna di jodohin kamu harus mau. nakal itu bisa berubah, cinta itu gak bisa di paksakan. cewe mostly kalo di jodohin pada akhirnya bakal cinta, karna cewe itu manusia yang bertindak pake perasaan :) tapi kalo cowo, mereka mostly menggunakan logika. jadi, kalo dijodohin, belum tentu dia bisa sayang kamu walaupun udah bertahun-tahun nikah. dia mungkin punya rasa kasihan, rasa suka, rasa sayang, tapi "love" that make all of them worthed. so, dont mind he's attitude. firstly that you need to concern is "does he love you?" lalu selanjutnya kamu bisa diskusikan sama mama kamu. 20 is still a young age, you can do something better, you can inspire others, you can do things that you never think before. ask your mother for more time. enjoy your life!

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win mau tanya ding tempat buat dinner yang enak dan tempatnya bagus dimana ya ? rekomendasi dong

hi. untuk di daerah mana ini? i presume you asked for Surabaya area?
well, kalo kamu fine dining ada beberapa tempat sih. tapi gini,kalo fine dining jangan anggep kamu bisa pulang kenyang, trus bobok ya. konsep fine dining tu kamu beli tempat, suasana, art of the food and prestige. jadi kamu pasti gak kenyang, dan keluarin budget besar. di Surabaya kamu bisa coba : Platinum Grill, De Soematra. i think they have package and different prices, you can call them for more info.
different people, different opinion. so to me, i'd rather eat something delicious than something expensive. jadi to me, dinner aku prefer La Rucola, Stevan Meat Shop, Boncafe, Domicile. karna aku penyuka steak jadi prefer ini sih.reasonable price, you can eat until you rolling not walking ;)

ci kalo di starbucks indo biasanya minum apaa? thx :)

- java chip grande extra chocolate chip no whipped cream
- ice green tea latte grande no whipped cream
- hot green tea latte grande
mostly 3 itu tergantung mood :))

thank you for the advice(s)! you're very helpful, and also kind :D

its okay. my pleasure for helping you! :))

things to do, to eat, and place to stay di sgp apa ya?

things to do :
- go to universal studio
- go to sentosa island (try their cable car)
- go to bugis street (they sell kitkat green tea for only $5 in the market)
- go to singapore flyer (take the night ride, you can see the whole city full of lights)
- go with MRT (you can learn about Singapore more, and also its cheaper)
- if you are a girl, you will love editorial market in Chiney
- go to Abercrombie! take a picture with the shirtless guy lol
- garden by the bay
- night safari (its super amazing. i love it)
to eat :
- try the famous $1 ice cream
- chicken rice!! (personally i like lucky plaza's&we nam kee)
- chillis, nandos, hooters
- churros (go to clarke quay, find aleggro spanish bar. but dont go on weekend, its really crowded)
- lady M (try the famous mille crepes)
- ippudo ramen
- ladure's macaron
- high society's cupcakes
place to stay :
lately aku sih tinggal di apartement'nya adikku, karna free.Singapore itu paling mahal menurutku di taxi&tempat tinggal'nya.kalo kamu pergi sama orang tua,tinggal aja di MBS.cobain kolam renang'nya di atas. tapi kalo kamu on budget, try ibis hotel. for me, its really nice. its small but very comfortable. and also its cheap, make sure you order your room via agoda, usually they have promo for tourists. but if you are Indonesian, usually you will love to stay Orchard Road. because you will feel like walking in Indonesia (a lot of Indonesian) go stay in Mandarin :)) hope it helps, happy holiday!

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Don't be afraid , you've your Lord, you've JESUS, dia akan kasih kamu masa depan yang berkali lipat lebih baik dari yang km pikirkan. Gbu

wow whoever you are, my eyes popped up by reading your ask! like literally! okay. tadi aku rencananya udah mau tidur, trus hari ini doa dulu. ada somethin' yang buat aku takut, dan entah kenapa pas mau siap tidur, kamu nulis beginian dan aku buka. entah ini kebetulan atau gak, i know that it is one of the answer. thank you, tons of thank you for you who want to give me one of your minute just to send this kind of ask. you are too kind. i hope God will hug you tight and bless you abundantly :)

What's you fear the most?

die. i know people will judge me and say : "eventually you'll die, why you have to afraid of it?"
here is the reason why :
- i'm afraid one day i'll be dying with loneliness. no one beside me, just me alone. i'm afraid that i will face it all alone
- i'm afraid that i'll be dying with so much pain
- i'm afraid that when i die, i don't make my parents proud of me yet
- i'm afraid that i will die with hatred or sadness
- i'm afraid that i will die with so much things that i regret i never do, i never say or i never have
- i'm afraid i will leave someone who loves me and they will miss me as much as i miss them
- i'm afraid that when the time is come, and i'm not ready yet
- i'm afraid that i will be alone in the other side
- and lastly, i'm afraid that if one day i die, people will forget me, will forget what i did, what i made them feel. and people will starting to use "used to" in their words. like "windi used to be funny", i'm afraid that all of me, will remain as a story not a conversation.

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Knapa ci kalok ke mall gaada temen? Kok ga ngajak jenni atau kezia?!kan lebih enak ama sodara sndiri

emang jenni&kezia gak ada kerjaan lain selain nemenin aku non?

Cici kalau foto buat blog gitu difotoin atau foto sendiri?

difotoin. lebih gampang drpda harus pake timer,dll :)) makanya jarang update, soalnya harus nunggu ada yang fotoin hehe

ce windi gw mau tanya gw punya fans yg anarkis bgt setiap gw pap foto dia selalu coment pdhal masalahnya dia apa coba , klo gasuka kan tinggal blok gak perlu ngeask pkek kata2 hina gtu, mnurut lo gmana ce?

Luh Vicky Putri Derline
gak usah dipusingin. ngapain ambil hati sama orang yang cuma iri sama kamu. mungkin dia berharap jadi kamu tapi gak kesampaian :) the less you respond to negative people, the happier you become. very little is needed to make a happy life, its all within yourself, in your way of thinking :)) so chip up, smile, put your middle finger up high!

Lo ga ush repot2 wind ak ae ckup Win buatno nasi padang pake ganja Pasti enak

hahaha! coba off anon. sok gegayaan ngomong ganja2. disodorin ganja paling ya gemeteren kaki'mu. ngemut milo ae mboh2an, sok mau ngeganja. mbak/mas, skolah dulu gih yang rajin. jangan sampe aku muntab, ask'mu ini tak kasik ke pihak yang berwajib. coba baca UU no 35 pasal 114 :)) ini merupakan bukti kuat. kamu mau bercanda, ngebully atau menjelekkan orang lain silahkan. tapi jangan BEGO! kamu pikir ask.fm ini gak bisa di lacak dari IP address? BODOH KOK DIAMBIL SENDIRI. mbak/mas, maaf, bercanda anda gak lucu tapi bodoh. kalo gak percaya coba tanya Pak Polisi. jangan Polisi Lalu Lintas ya tanyanya blok goblok. HAHA

Sering beli online nggak ce?

sering! hahahaha suka sih belanja online. yang dijual aneh2&macem2. gak perlu tawar2an. sisa liat aja mana yang murah. kadang kalo udah murah, dapet diskon lagi :p

Mau dong buatin brownis ganja eakk

tapi papa mama'mu juga harus makan ya :)) kalo iya aku buatin biar mereka bisa high bareng.

Ce, foto yg belakangnya blur kyk di ignya cece itu pakai camera iphone atau slr?

pake samsung smart camera :)


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