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happy birthday ace33

I received this question 4 days ago. Masa birthday ace33. But idk how to answer well. So after watching official music video of lost star by adam levine. I remember our video that supposed to be showed during our formal dinner but postponed to our quarantine during mock interview. This is so nostalgic af. Missing our batch going through ups and downs. K maleh ah flashback. I miss ace33. Tho I'm no one pun 😂 i miss the video maker 😌 k ehem
Happy belated birthday Ace33!
Liked by: Alia Zulkifle Aqlan

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haha .. tegurla dorg .. sampai satu saat dorg rasa mcm korg dh lupe kn dorng .. korg xkn jmpa dorg dh

Oh i know who you are. Begini. Never expected for a hello from people. You should start it first. To clean everything up. Plus, we the classmates tak pernah lupa 'mereka'. Tak pernah pun kami pandang 'mereka' hina. We as a human should gain people's respect. Bukannya benda tu boleh datang bergolek. They are free to bising bising in our class conversation. Tak pernah dihalau pun kalau mereka bersuara. Janganlah anggap mereka dilupakan kalau tak diseru. Kalau macam tu, banyaklah orang yang dilupakan. Bukan semua orang diseru setiap hari.
But yeah anon. Thank you for your concern. They both are still invited to have a chat with us. Kami tak pernah buang mereka.
Thank you anon.

apa pendapat ko pasal dua org classmate ko tu?

What do you mean? I have 24 classmates for the past two years 😅

hah .. xrindu kwn la tu

Apa cb soalan. Hahahahaha mentioning wrong names causing wrong response. Nanti rindu orang tu, orang tu tak kenal kita pun. So takpelah. Merindu pada tg berhak je lah

selain mereput, buat apa je kat rumah ?

Ada pergi langkawi jejalan dengan girlfriends lepak to malls beli barang mewah duit masuk je setiap hari baru lepas pindah rumah so quite exhausted these last days and then i did some businesses and a lot of income I received everyday also i got too much offers for acting but i rejected sebab jadual bekerja pack sangat
Taklah. Mereput je kat rumah. Nak cari kerja tapi keluar rumah pun takleh. Still hunting jobs. And now wasting times type pepanjang merepek tah pape.

siapa yg beri nama kau?

MuhammadZulhilmi792’s Profile PhotoMuhammad Zulhilmi
Those who live before me. 😅 taktau la siapa. Mama kot. Abah kot. Entah. Beberapa hasil usahasama menjadikan satu artwork yang bergayaa.
Taktau lah siapa yang letak nama. I got it for my birthday
Liked by: Aqlan

if you're playin something.. you're playing it to win or playing it just not to loose ?

izzlan’s Profile PhotoHizimo
To win for sure. Bcs I'm a wyna~ hahahahaha k.
Always dream high 💁🏼
Macam study gak la. Study untuk exam ke study untuk hidup? Intentions change the way you strive
Liked by: Hizimo

pernah ada crush kat tgb? siapa?

Thought that crush is a secret 😅 I've described him in previous question. Figure it out yourself

winaaa describe haifa

Haifa ldp paling sapot member so far yg aku tau. Kau jenis yang "aku buat apa aku nak". You remind me of my best friend in ag. Perangai sebijik. Spontaneous gitu. Gelak je kerja. Oh budak kebudayaan. I adore the way you play cak lem pong. Tapi kau malu lagi lagi part menari. Hahahahaha i love the way you live. I hope we were close back then. Sebab kau buat aku rindu kt best friend aku. Serius. Tak tipu. Tapi kelas lain💁🏿 blok kelas lain 💁🏿 so yeah. Great to know ya haifaaa
Liked by: haifahelmee

describe ur girlfriend/boyfriend

If boyfriend or girlfriend yang dimaksudkan tu meant by my date, tak ada. Kawan , banyak la. And crush ada lah. Nak describe crush gak ke? K ceni. Crush saya :
-pakai spect
-have a strong relationship dengan laptop dia
-attractive for no specific reason idk why
-sangat baik
-suka tolong orang
-pelat. Problems in pronouncing 's' 'r' and 'd' sometimes
-selalu beralah bila saya cari gaduh
-banyak peminat for no reason entahlah mengapa
-rajin membaca
-good in IT
-azan sedap
Tu je kot leh cite. K bye

Nanti kalau terserempak dengan aku , janganlah sombong. Tegurlah aku, belanja minum pun bagus juga 😊. Hahahaha. In syaa allah kalau ada rezeki aku mai seremban untuk kukuhkan silaturahim . Hahahaha. Jangan lupa aku pulak. Manatahu aku dah berjambang.

amirulafiqaizad’s Profile PhotoAmirulAfiqAizad
Kemain lagi deman kau 😌 okay pearl okay. InsyaAllah..


Language: English