

Ask @xWhisperOfAngels

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whats the dumbest thing you've ever done?

Trusting someone, you only can trust yourself (but if I am honest,
I cant trust myself) okay and your mother. :) <3

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Which supernatural character resembles you the most and why? And if you could be a supernatural character, what would you choose and why? :D

DEAN WINCHESTER! Because I AM TRULY like him except in the funny way because my jokes sucks. I only understood them and I dont look pretty like him and have no good singing voice but also wanted always be an singers and o like most things what he likes especially PIE!!!!! + oh god u know how dean is if u watch spn so yeah i am truly like him even a bit with those family drama is little similar to mine and everything else its really scary. x) but I LOVE IT! But at least he totally resembles me with everything! Except flying fear by flying because I never was so i cant told if I got fear by this. :D + and yeah I LOVED BATMAN before Supenatural excist x) so many reason why I am like him and hard to list becaus eits pain in the ass being like him. I could tell so, he is written as my chaarcter LOL :D but i only dont hunt ghost monsters demons but I have some mystery thing-ish seen that changed my life and i dont talk often about that because u know people would call you crazy but the MOST IMPORTANT DIFFERENT is: I AM A GIRL! :D & that is so strange I always wonder why hes like me, and with every episode I get it more and more I am like him maybe thats the reason why I am from the beginnging on TEAM DEAN WINCHESTER even I havent known there he is like me. SO you could say we are TWINS.
I am here to find now. ;* https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6v8cXlWVOpVqTjHfoZjFyw/videos thanks for the question! <3 + i have also a new ask.fm there is to find on my new channel

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oh wow so weit oben ;D meinte nur weil ich halb-dresdnerin bin hehe ich komm aus zell am see .. das is im land salzburg (so ungefähr unterm deutschen eck) ;D

ahhhw ist bestimmt sehr schön und alt die gegend da oder? ich liebe alte gegend <3 also historische *_____* joar ich wohne immer viel zu weit weg von tollen leuten wie dir SUCKS :((((( I am here to find now. ;* https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6v8cXlWVOpVqTjHfoZjFyw/videos + have subbed ya again! <3

Now I have idea in my head to make crossover with Peter from heroes and Lydia(TW) goshhh I'm so weird xD my external disk broke down some time ago and I need to buy new one but it's expensive :P I also have disk from old computer but there is only 100gb ;/ and I'm worried that it breaks down again

Ahhhw, omg, WOULD LOOOOVEEEEEE to see it! <333 Hahahahaha, I'm sure you gave me now an new OTP! :DDDD You weired? NOOO. :)
Absolutely hard when disks breaking down for vidders. GOSH! Had this 2 1/2 years ago. v.v I know its really DAMN expensive but at the end worth it when it doesn't break down thats why you should betetr saved 1 or some more shows on your PC you really edit the most, so you could prolong the breaking down from the disks. Because if you always work with it goes it break but shouldn't actually happen for the price. v.v
But I read that they do it with intention that some things work not long enough. (Sorry for bad english :P)
Thats hard only 100gb :/ There have I luck! I got an USB Hard Drive till 3 Terabyte& PC 2 Disk with 2 935 GB + 465 GB.) & another Hard drive with 1 or was it 2 Terabyte (was a present:))
+ yeah I'm always worried too that my disks breaks down too, gosh understand your little panic about that so much because its really HORROR!
+ hope you can buy one day more. :)

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I'm still looking for job so I have some time right now :D but also I have a lot series and now my fave are coming back so I don't know if I can handle it but I'll try :D Now I'm watching third episode :D and S2 is downloading :Dbut the worst thing is that I don't have much free space in computer ;/

Hope you find what you like by Job. Wish you luck. :) Haha same over here w/favo Series and this sucks if you want to watch some longer series. v.v Wish ya luck by trying too! You won't regetr can sa yit always again. :* Let me know if you wanna talk about episodes, love to talk abut it. *___* Yeah, season 2 there comes West. <333 Did you have no USB Space only Pc space? That sucks really, having not much space. Know that to well.

Haha it's just soo many episodes it takes me so much time xD but who cares I can do it !;)

Yeah actually it is but worth it! <333
Do that! Ohh wait you have also so much free time like me? Or why can you do that? :P Even you haven't enough free time you can do that even it takes a while more to watch. xDDD

which series you want? i can help you

Thats nice of you and I would LOVE downloading but I'm sure I won't download them again because of the time I had spend w/download them + converting time but Supernatural would I definetly download again if that means would exist without watermark and with 1080p but some episodes got I in 1080 from SPN web dl and all seasons 1-9. and in english but this isn't possible.
Okay and maybe Teen Wolf would I download again and the rest of Gossip Girl seasons I need + Game Of Thrones + Pretty Little Liars + Gilmore Girls? (But this show doesn't excist in HD :/) Grand Hotel H20 Add Just Water , Angel and so on.

you should download 1080 web-dl episodes, the coloring look so much better

YEAH! But the problem is:
1. Not all Series/Movies excist in 1080p
2. And by the most I can't find 1080p and would really LOVE too
3. It takes so much longer with download
4. And I have some series in 1080p, so people would see maybe this color in better quality one day ;)
5. WEB - DL has not all series I LOVE to vidding


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