
Rohit Bhuta

Ask @xhitedove2

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🙄 I can't decide, can you help me choose? I made two wishes. Which one will come true first?

Alina Liashchenko
There is no wish. Only efforts and prayers pay off in the long term. Sometimes letting go of what we want gets us what we need.

What is something nice that you're hoping to get for Christmas?

herchocolatebar’s Profile PhotoHer Chocolate Bar
A nice set of healthy hands, body, legs and face. I also think maintaining a healthy mind is also critical to me. To summarise, a healthy body equals healthy mind & vice versa.

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Do you know the names of the three kings?

Michael Jackson - King of Pop.
Marshall Mathers - King of Rap.
King of chess.

What are some small victories you've enjoyed lately? Mine is smashing my post-surgery deadlift PR this morning! 💪

xdisco_biscuit’s Profile PhotoDizzie
Wow, good on you.
I also ran 6.2km in 44min on the treadmill..
I like doing 10km run's.
I found it has helped me to lose fat around my mid section.
Strength training wise - I pushed 140kg with my full body.
As Greg Doucette often says, harder than last time within reason.
Liked by: Dizzie

Describe your soul mate ?

There is no such thing as a soul mate.

There is only you, and your true self.
I am born alone, and die alone. It's how you & I choose to spend our time, and efforts, that ultimately to prove our fate and destiny.

I know I have ranted about this before a few times? But the quality of the questions asked here is steadily degrading and despite reporting offensive behaviour… clearly a big fat nothing is being done about it. I guess in truth… What could you do anyway?

herchocolatebar’s Profile PhotoHer Chocolate Bar
For starters it's okay to feel that way. I use this site in moderation and take breaks from it once I feel angry or tired or satisfied.
People are trying to understand me better and that is okay by me. What is not okay is asking invasive questions and not interacting with me at all.
This site is to understand the human mind and it's behaviour.
Hope this helps answer your questions.
Liked by: Her Chocolate Bar

Who is the hottest ask user?

Me, of course.. Jokes.
Come on, it's not about how hot / cool someone is, it's about how they make you feel inside.

Plans for tomorrow?

Thinking about me, and what I'm going to achieve in my life, and where I'lll be in 20 / 30 / 40 years.

Its not that I couldn't fall for you. I figured that out last year. It's just what you were trying to do was wrong.

I don't remember what I did wrong. Can you remind me please.

Would you like to be a friend with a stranger

As long as they behave well and respectfully that is all that matters.


Language: English