
Julia Tipton

Ask @xox_juliatipton_xox

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ok, top 3

Someone's pushing for their name to be on this list ummmm no order
Kaitlynn MacIsaac
Meghan Collins
Cause I feel like I don't hang out with them as much as I used to
And people I met this year
Cause I wanna get closer with them

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Where do you think you would be right now without Jacob

Honestly I don't know how to answer this...I love him and everything but I am my own person and so I would be fine without him...yeah I would be upset and everything but I would be able to manage on my own...it's not like I need him to survive....I don't know...I guess what I'm trying to say is that I would be fine if I didn't have him but I'm glad that I do....does that answer this question cause idk how else to explain it lmfao
Liked by: Kaitlynn

what is more impotant to you, love, friendship, or money

Not saying love and money aren't important but let's be real....guys are stupid and complicated and come and go but friends are always there for you no matter what and help you through all the stuff guys put you through. And money? Sure you need some to survive but you don't need tons. You don't HAVE to have brand name clothing. You don't HAVE to have really expensive food or go to restaurants. And you don't HAVE to have a big fancy house.
So defiantly friendship.


Sorry kept meaning to answer this then didn't lol. Okay you're honestly so nice and funny and smart and you're sososo good at running! You're beautiful and we used to be like best friends but then we drifted :( lately we've been starting to talk more which is awesome and we should hang out sometime!(:

What do you consider unforgivable

There's lots of things....
Lies over and over
Being played
Being bullied
Being backstabbed
Calling someone names
There's just so much...
Liked by: Kainen Felix

Is there anyone you are friends with but can't really trust

there are certain things I wouldn't tell certain people but I trust all of my friends...

What time do to get up for school

Anywhere between 6 and 7....
6 if I want to look good
6:30 if I want to look meh like I normally do
7 if I honestly don't care
Anything after that if I wanna look like a hobo....


Language: English