
Julia Tipton

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Long thoughts on kaitlynn

She's honestly perfect in every single way. She's beautiful, loving, caring, funny, responsible, smart...just perfect. I love her so much. I'm doing this is non-traditional arts and she's siting right beside me but oh well.
People who call her a slut clearly don't know her very well because she's perfect and probably the least slutty person I know.
She's honestly my best friend and I couldn't live without her.
She listens to everything I have to say, puts up with my worst moods, goes along with my crazy ideas, just everything. She's perfect.
Even though we probably get in the most trouble when were together we have the best memories and it's just amazing. I love her so much.
Sure since high school started we haven't gotten to hang out that much and she's missed a bunch of Friday night dinners (my daddy's getting mad girl ;) ) but she still is my best fiend and I will always love her.
I told her before high school started that my goal for high school was to stay best friends with her all through high school and that's still true.
Kaitlynn you have no idea how much you mean to me. I love you so much girl<3
Sure we fight sometimes but we always get through it because that's what best friends do. Never doubt it because even if I'm mad or upset or whatever I'll always be there for her.
So, honestly I don't know what else to say other then I love her like a sister, she's my favourite person to talk to and hang out with, I'm happy our lockers are beside each other and we have so many inside jokes it's insane. I love you bby ignore the hate<3 stay strong :P
And btw I so just wasted like 20min of non-traditional but whatever you're worth it :P

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Liked by: Kaitlynn

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What can society do to a person?

Honestly society can ruin a person. They can tear them apart piece by piece without even thinking. They don't even notice that they are going downhill until they're too far gone to be helped.
So many teens are suicidal and depressed and it's horrible because most of it could be stopped of people would stop the bullying and stop the gossip and stop the judgemental attitude. It's ridiculous.
There are so many teens who self harm or starve themselves or are suicidal just because of comments made at school over over the Internet and honestly it had to stop. How many teens have to kill themselves before people notice this..?
Another thing that's disappointing is that if someone kills them self all of a sudden everyone loves them and is saying how beautiful and valuable they were...here's an idea maybe if you had said that when they were alive instead of bullying them, they would still be here right now.
Then there's the people who try suicide and fail...don't call them an attention whore and don't bully them more because of it. Obviously they're going through something and they tried to commit suicide for a reason! Don't give them another reason to try it again. Try something new like helping them through whatever they're going though.
Sorry that turned into a huge rant that went completely off topic but the short answer to your question is that society can destroy a person.

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