
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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Anyone ever told you they jacked off to your pics?

oh my fucking god. so many fucking times that it's not even weird anymore. dO YOU KNOW HOW WEIRD THAT IS. sometimes they even tell me that i should feel good about it. sometimes they make me want to never post selcas again SRSLY. some have even asked me if they could masturbate to them oh my fucking hell was it hilarious or WHAT. sOBS. like irdc, AS LONG AS I DONT KNOW ABOUT IT JFC.

Why do you guys even fall for her, you have yet to see her true self. It's not bad, just, you've barely seen anything about her and so on, rofl.

DanielLee93’s Profile PhotoDaniel Lee
niqqa preach it. they like wot they see, wot do u want LOL. omg let them be, they like/love at their own risk haha ha. ily losr, why are you still awake tho lol.

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Ok really. C'mon u have to make it where u show off your pretty ness to people

qsmister’s Profile PhotoGrandma
lol no thanks, i don't think i need to show off anything bc i already know that im pretty ha hahaha.
Liked by: Daniel Lee

U welcome. What are your hobbies

qsmister’s Profile PhotoGrandma
hm, drawing; humming to songs lmao; playing the guitar; writing long paragraphs about whatever, about interesting subjects; playing sports; photography (visit ig if you wish) but, i kind of took a break from it bc too busy and tired lol. idrk, i have alot of other hobbies.


DanielLee93’s Profile PhotoDaniel Lee
o will u stop it. fINE END IT, IM GOING TO TRY TO CALL FARTHNY BC FEGGT SUQS lmAO. jk dont, like you would pft. are you going to cry or something, it's ok just don't drop ur filthu tears on ur screen ♡♡♡

I'm Black, White, Mexican, Native American, Polish and German

qsmister’s Profile PhotoGrandma
wohwoh did not expect that! that's cool and interesting omg. mainly black, spanish and white tho or?
Liked by: Asmah

Nothing I'm just talking to u. My names quinton. How do u do

qsmister’s Profile PhotoGrandma
oh, icic. yeah, i figured that out lol. but hi quinton! im amanda~ i'm goood! wbu?


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